This pic was taken near Kayenta (?) in Navajo Country. The weather was horrible and when I saw a little bit of blue sky I rushed to take the picture and fortunately it was worth my efforts.
Mark, Thanks so much for the constructive criticism. I agree with your comments and the crop except I think I would still put just a tiny bit more foreground in and if I could I would increase the sky. Unfortunately, the original image was to my surprise very crooked so I straightened it and in the process had to shrink the sky. Oh well, there's always a next time. Thanks again!
I like this image. I think it makes a very effective B&W and might not be quite as interesting with the introduction of color. While the composition "works", I have suggested an alternative in the attached jpeg. I believe the role of the peak as the central element is strengthened by elimination of the realtively featureless foreground. This also gives greater spatial impact to the sky surrounding the peak. Such "what if" cropping can lead to a stronger final image on occasion, if one takes the time to revisit after the inital emotional attachment by the artist has cooled, allowing for consideration of alternatives.
Cool shot. A larger file with a max width of 640 pixels (the site limit) would allow a clearer view of your image. As is it's a bit too small to give a meaningful critique. Pretty cool area to photograph!