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Image Title:  Me
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 By: Teunis Haveman  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Teunis Haveman  Teunis Haveman {Karma:37426}
Project #9 Pictures of Our Members Camera Model  
Categories People
Film Format
Portfolio Lens  
Uploaded 1/28/2004 Film / Memory Type  
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 872 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/0
Critiques 65 Rating
/ 37 Ratings
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About Hallo everybody , thanks for all the comments and ratings
You are great friends for me
Random Pictures By:

Corn Mill "De Leeuw"(Lion)

Not the right Colour

Reflection in evening

Candle on Twig

I have an Bump

Waiting for concerve Vegetable and Fruits

Walking in the Field

Double Sunset

Tree in silhouet


There are 65 Comments in 1 Pages
Teunis Haveman Teunis Haveman   {K:53426} 11/28/2004
Chia,Thanks for kind of words


chia michael   {K:22} 11/28/2004
Hello Teunis, It's great to know you at last to see your own portrait. I've no comments but what I can say is that every pictures taken by you is beyond words to describe the excellency of each and individual moods of its own. You are the BEST so far I came across. Keep up all the good works, I really enjoy every pictures taken by you.


Per-Arne Andersson   {K:705} 4/5/2004
Hello Teunis..!
I can se you are busy with your work. Or is it pleasure at the UseFilm-site..;) Thanks for your visit at the picture "A-Crane" Many nice pictures of the windmills you have in your portifolio... MBW../PAA


Rui Leitão   {K:6321} 2/22/2004
Nice to meet you.
You are a great frotografer. indeed!
Besr regards.


Harry Eggens Harry Eggens   {K:14804} 2/8/2004
Hallo Teunis, leuk je op deze manier te ontmoeten. Ben blij dat jij me gisteren nog even herinnerd hebt aan het blad Terdege. Was het i.v.m mijn drukke werkzaamheden helemaal vergeten. Heb ze gisteren een mailtje gestuurd en wacht nu af of ze bereid zijn om dat ene nummer waar ik om gevraagd heb naar mij willen sturen. Groeten, Harry


Dr. Rafael Springmann Dr. Rafael Springmann   {K:89517} 2/6/2004
I don't have a good photo of myself, unless you want to click , in which case you will see an advertisment for a book I wrote and, among other things, me.
Therefore I will send tou a photo of my wife, Rachel, playing Freecell on the compter under the careful scrutiny of our cat, Ginger.
Rafi Springmann


JAMES McCONNELL   {K:1750} 2/3/2004
Teunis, it`s good to see your face. I have looked at many of your photos and I have liked every one of them, you the man! regards from Greensboro,North Carolina -Jim.


Christian Barrette   {K:21125} 2/1/2004
Hey ! great to meet a good friend !
I have been out for a couple of days, so I'm a bit late in reviewing your work. Sorry about that.


Alan Mead   {K:2020} 2/1/2004
Hi Teunis,
Thanks for looking at my efforts on Usefilm. Your name appears often and I appreciate your taking the time to gve opinions.
I greatly admire your presentations, they show a very great appreciation of nature and solid, orderly compostion, particularly when you revisit a site and show the same image, but in a different circumstance of weather or season . The earth is infinite in its offerings of beautiful and powerful artwork.; I find tht photoraphy is a very efficient way of 'seeing' these works all around us, they are endless.
Yur self portraits that ar a very congenial fellow.
Kindest regards,
Alan Mead.
Canada. (Ex-pat Brit from London)


Jani Salvataggio   {K:27283} 2/1/2004
nice to see you!!:)


Gustav Miller   {K:309} 2/1/2004
nice to meet you and see you at "work".
Thank you for your commments on my pictures. It is very much appreciated by me.
Keep well and always GOOD LIGHT when taking pictures.


Jula Amore Jula Amore   {K:2823} 1/31/2004
Hi Teunis, nice to meet you...Wow!


Enjoy    {K:16125} 1/31/2004
Hey nice to meet you nice self portrait...of course with a computer in front of you.... so true


John E Robertson John E Robertson   {K:1752} 1/31/2004
Nice to put a face to the name, I have not had the courage to do this yet!!


Donna Devine   {K:2885} 1/31/2004
Somehow you look just as I'd imagined you, right down to the naughty grin. (-:


Mari Mar   {K:11469} 1/30/2004
Hola! nice to meet you, good friend. You are a true artist! Regards.


Pedro Beça Múrias   {K:2076} 1/30/2004
Mr. Teunis, I presume? :-)))


KEVIN TEMPLE   {K:8657} 1/30/2004
Nice to meet you
thanks for your comments
Your photos are very good also
regards Kevin (go to my portfolio and meet me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jimmy Payne   {K:21163} 1/30/2004
Greetings, Teunis. It is a pleasure meeting you in your photo. I had you pictured in my mind as an older man, but I see you are a youngster. I would not dare take a photo of me at my computer desk. You would not be able to see me for all the clutter. :-)
Best wishes to you friend,


David Fisk   {K:7444} 1/30/2004

Nice to meet the man behind the beatiful work>
I can't keep up with all your good photos.

Best regards


Murat Kodan Murat Kodan   {K:440} 1/30/2004
hi thanks for your comment


Ana Vianna   {K:15270} 1/29/2004
Nice to meet you, Teunis! Very good view! My regards!


Ellen Havrilla   {K:8618} 1/29/2004
Hoi Teunis, leuk eens kennis met je te maken. Aan het aantal kijkers te zien, had je dat al veel eerder moeten doen!
Groetjes Ellen


Kristina Kohut   {K:49990} 1/29/2004
So nice to see you! :-)) Very nice photo, with warm feeling and warm friendly smile! And you are "Usefilming" instead of doing all that work in the red boxes! ;-))


Riny  Koopman   {K:19998} 1/29/2004
hoi teunis,leuk om je te zien!!
ga door met je prachtige foto s


Lucas Macedo   {K:12843} 1/29/2004
Hi, Teunis! I'm very glad to meet the master of landscapes!
You look like a very calm person, as I expected from enjoying your outstanding landscapes.
Best regards..... Lucas


PK- Photos PK- Photos   {K:13099} 1/29/2004
Hello Teunis, nice to see you and thanks also for all your comments :))

your friend,


Michele Beccia Michele Beccia   {K:16550} 1/29/2004
Nice to meet you!


* kees * * kees *   {K:2357} 1/29/2004
Leuk je te zien, Teunis.
Groet, Kees


Antonella Nistri   {K:21867} 1/29/2004
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Teunis,so nice to meet you!!!!! Keep up the great work! Antonella


Brenda Sellers   {K:322} 1/29/2004
Hello Teunis!
So nice to meet you.
Best wishes from Brenda.


Salvo Valenti   {K:17038} 1/28/2004
Espressione solare e simpatica. Ciao Salvo


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 1/28/2004
Eindelijk een gezicht achter je werk, Teunis.
Ik heb me vaak afgevraagd hoe de live man die zulke prachtige natuur fotos met ons deelt eruit zou zien
Een mooie portrait foto met een spontane houding and een hartelijke gezichtsuitdrukking.
Jouw leuk en werkplek ziet er ook uit.


Hugo Pierre   {K:15692} 1/28/2004
Teunis, I?m glad to meet you in this self-portrait! Your face irradiates kindness.
My best personal regards, Hugo.


Natalie Papadopoulos   {K:5247} 1/28/2004
the master at work! thanks for sharing yourself Teunis!


Craig Garland   {K:27077} 1/28/2004
Very pleased to meet you Teunis!-- and greetings from west coast USA! We've exchanged many comments and ratings. Thanks for sharing this nice candid photo of yourself. Cheers. Craig


augusto mario cunha   {K:19049} 1/28/2004
Glad to meet you, Teunis! Very good image. Neat and crisp, showing the minimum details. Good work!


Diana Cornelissen   {K:26437} 1/28/2004
Hallo Teunis,
Leuk om dat koppie van jou weer eens te zien, en ook nog in je eigen werkruimte. Eigenlijk stelde ik me jou altijd voor met een paar laarzen, baggerend door de weilanden.... op zoek naar mooie plekjes met je camera; maar ja, die foto's moeten toch ergens bewerkt worden he. Groetjes,


Pedro Libório Pedro Libório   {K:53861} 1/28/2004
hello my friend ...
nice to meet you!!!
P.S. congrats for your wonderful photos!


Dan Arthur   {K:4280} 1/28/2004
Hey Teunis, Great to see you! Regards from Tulsa, Oklahoma USA!!!


Harald Felgentreu Harald Felgentreu   {K:2096} 1/28/2004
regards harald


Gino  Quattrocchi   {K:39580} 1/28/2004
Che piacere vedere la persona che commenta le mie creature
le tue foto parlano di te e ora so chi sei e come è il tuo ponte di comando
a una lunga frequentazione su UF grande Teunis Haverman


Han Timmer   {K:513} 1/28/2004
Nice meeting you, Teunis.


Sonia ~   {K:2128} 1/28/2004
Nice to see you!


Rob Ernsting Rob Ernsting   {K:8899} 1/28/2004
Toch altijd anders dan de voorstelling die je in gedachte hebt. Leuk om te zien, dank je, Ik kan het de mensen niet aan doen om een foto er op te zetten. Groetjes, Rob.


Jaap Poot   {K:7926} 1/28/2004
Leuk om te zien hoe je er uit ziet,zal proberen een foto van mijzelf te vinden,groeten van Jaap


Rawabi Al-Nuaimi   {K:15659} 1/28/2004
Great to meet ya.. :) great expression and i love the normal, everyday touch in the pic.. they say a person's personality can be reveiled by the clutter on his desk! ;-)
best regards,,


Caprice Duvent   {K:3998} 1/28/2004
Nice to meet you Teunis !
very nice portrait shot !
Best Regards


MaryBell    {K:32791} 1/28/2004

You look so very Dutch - like any of half a dozen men or so that I know in the American Dutch circles...makes me smile...




Barbara Bremigan   {K:1164} 1/28/2004
Thanks for posting your picture. Thank you for your comments on my photos. It's great to see your wonderful photographs each day.


Jeff Cartwright   {K:52046} 1/28/2004
Hi Teunis : Now I see the Master of Photographic Landscapes.......I love your Photographs, and have great pleasure in visiting your Portfolio....your arrangements, give every one, encouragement, to improve our Photographs.....!!!
Jeff Cartwright,
Alberta, Canada.
Ps This winter is very cold.......-35 Celsius, and -40 with wind chill...too cold for outside Photography.......!


Sarah Hansegard   {K:4332} 1/28/2004
Good to finally meet you! :)



Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/28/2004
Goed je eens te zien, Teunis! Leuk een gezicht te kunnen visualiseren als ik een commentaar op UF achterlaat....;)




Nedim Muhic Nedim Muhic   {K:14362} 1/28/2004
Hi my dear friend Teunis, I am glad to see you.
This is right trait, because I can connect Your face with Your photos.
On Your monitor I see UF site. Ha!!!
Nedim from Sarajevo.


Gaston Ezquerro   {K:100} 1/28/2004
Glad to meet you teunis,i was time to know the artist of the magnificent fotos


L B.   {K:13965} 1/28/2004
Oh, Hallo Teunis, geinige foto!
Groeten, Lex


Ahmed J Ahmed J   {K:6014} 1/28/2004
Now i can see the teacher.
hello Teunis Haveman .. nice seeing you :)


Gerhard Hoogterp   {K:4863} 1/28/2004
Aangenaam.. Nu herkennen we elkaar tenminste op straat..;) Er is overigens een project "Photo's from members"..


Elena Zabelina   {K:23212} 1/28/2004
Hi Teunis, I am glad to see you. I am imaged you almoust exactly like you are.
You smile so kind, as your photos. My best wishes to you, my dear friend.


Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 1/28/2004
Great to meet you. Have been wondering who was on the other end of those great pictures that I have been looking at. I see that you are just a young fellow enjoying his toys.
Great expression and looks like a nice place to work on your photography. Thanks for sharing. Don. I will be off line for a while starting Feb 9 as I am having a shoulder replaced. The arthritis is getting to me. Good seeing you.


xy x   {K:41915} 1/28/2004
Nice to see you, Teunis! Excellent self portrait with pleasant expressions and emotions, great lighting and splendid compositions, congrats, regards!


MEmar ME MEmar ME   {K:12566} 1/28/2004
Hi Teunis:
Nice to meet you. It is very nice to look your smiling face.
Great portrait.
All the best to you.
A smile.


Petri Puurunen   {K:3397} 1/28/2004
"Man behind the art" nice to see you!


Gustavo Eulalio   {K:3777} 1/28/2004
Ha, it's great to know these people's faces. Good to meet you Teunis.


Andrea Biscosi   {K:5387} 1/28/2004
Nice to meet you Teunis.
Ciao dall'Italia.




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