Anindya Maity
{K:7880} 2/18/2004
Apart from everything else I like your colour scheme and saturation
Christine Campbell
{K:2693} 2/18/2004
You've seen Stephen King's "Pet Semetary", haven't you? That's what this reminds me of. Kinda creepy there lady... ;-)
Great shot(s), and I really like the mood you've set even if it is a bit disturbing. This is one of my worst nightmares. Either someone's little kid running out in front of my car, or my 2 year old running in front of an on coming car. Ugh!
Rebecca Phillips
{K:341} 2/11/2004
Hauntingly beuatiful image.The child looking so alone like that.....And the caption puts such a strong message...Great work.
. .
{K:16329} 1/26/2004
Sorry, no bad thoughts today. Love the eerieness mixed with anxiety here. Lighting really does the eerie.....and the child on the highway the anxiety. Intriguing image!!
ps my crappy little homemade filters would be no help here:)
David Orea
{K:5292} 1/25/2004
Quite interseting composition, Marcy. Excellent colors and lighting. Congrats!
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 1/25/2004
I just think this is brilliant work... ...it should be bigger !!!!! regards.
Arthur Z
{K:5328} 1/25/2004
Marcy, I love your sense of colour! You add a touch of sombre 'grayness' to an image that gives it a nice sheen...and a sometimes very haunting feeling...perhaps that's where your vision will lead you....good luck in your work! Darren :)
Marcy Massura
{K:1848} 1/25/2004
For those interested in the technique used here: Well, this is part of a new trend for me. A variety of techniques that I learned from Darren Holmes (Usefilm)....it is mutiple layers, a composite of 4 photos. lots of burning, losts of levels and lots of earasing to revel under layers. It isn't something easily explained-and I feel I have a long long way to go....but I am encouraged that I did rec'v a few comments and people seem to be intriqued by the images (others in my portfolio too).....I will keep at it-and hopefull you will see my improvement!!!! Thanks to all....
Wayne Harridge
{K:18292} 1/25/2004
Just needs a car speeding towards baby with headlights on !
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 1/24/2004
Marcy, strange shot,but i like it! Looks to me like you did this in PS program and maybe you could try to get a sharper focused shot of baby which is only thing i have prob with...Gayle
SarahM none
{K:7836} 1/24/2004
It is a very disturbing shot.(in a good way!) I am not sure I have any suggestions for improvements. I like it as it is. Really interesting lighting. I would welcome knowing more about how you did this.
Darinka Montico
{K:1771} 1/24/2004
I really like it! just please tell me is a photomontage...scary scene but meaningfull,grothesque but beautiful! compliments