Sim Hing Shek
{K:1370} 1/25/2004
Good composition and mood but I'm just not very keen on the wooden thing she's sitting on.
sandy c. hopkins
{K:17107} 1/22/2004
will i fail? will i knock them down with my passion? will the light blind me? the eyes hinder my true talent...sucking the nerves from my very being?
excellent and beautiful...
Mr Pepz
{K:390} 1/22/2004
ABeautyful emotion,... Wonderful picure Pepijn
Juan Lopez
{K:43} 1/21/2004
Stunning image: lovely model, awsome hues, and more that anything... cool how you made the empty space around the sides enlarge the atmosphere of concentration. again, beautiful Job!
Paolo De Maio
{K:34932} 1/21/2004
Wonderful atmosphere very well composed. great plays between shadows and lights... My best compliments Paolo
Geraldo Ferreira
{K:548} 1/21/2004
Iluminação me agradou muito. Pose especial. Tua sensibilidade retratou o sentimento da bailarina com fidelidade. Foto cativante que me fez correr ao teu portfolio. Imagens belíssimas
Geraldo do Mato Grosso
Dan Arthur
{K:4280} 1/21/2004
Simple yet interesting! Nice colors, composition, and emotion. Great work! Regards, Dan
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 1/21/2004
I Love ballerinas and this is a Beautiful shot Mauricio.Regards,Hakan