{K:11377} 6/21/2006
Very interesting architectural shot, especially the left site Harry
Regina Rianelli
{K:24147} 6/26/2004
very fine Architectural photo, Paul.
7 +, Regina
Brian T. Ach
{K:1742} 2/2/2004
Great shot, almost a 50's color print quality to this...I dig it...
Frank Hettick
{K:119} 2/1/2004
Hi - Paul - Nice straight architectual lines - very good! Very nice shot! And thanks for the kind compliments on my own space photography! I shot the landscape with Olympus E10 and pasted the collage together in Corel PhotoPaint 9! If you are interested in more of my pics or info on the how and why of my pics you might check out my website - www.skyhighgallery.com - Thanks again - Frank Hettick
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 2/1/2004
Wonderful photo! Great subject, perfectly composed, and very interesting dark tones! So very dark, but still all details are there! Also I see some birds in the sky which adds interest. Very good!
Ana Vianna
{K:15270} 1/12/2004
Good image! Good contrast too! My regards!
Gilberto Simon
{K:556} 1/11/2004
Nice picture Paul ! I love tower pics. The contrast is very beautiful! Very Good! Congrats!