Raymund Macaalay
{K:7218} 1/13/2004
Excellent Arial Shot Evershine? Where was this taken? It looks like a lahar flow in the Philippines? Anyway excellent colors on this shot!
Also Thanks for the great comments on the "Follow Me" work of mine, without your comments it would not make it through the POD. Thanks always and remember your work do inspire some of mines! Best Regards Raymund
evershine evershine
{K:324} 1/8/2004
Yes the color looks as it is or slightly more green/blue. I am glad it turns out well, i managed to capture this as it is rather hard to take a good pic through the window pane/glass as it may reflect the light in the airplane. Took a few shots and this turns out quite well. I zoom in all the way using my humble point n shoot nikon e2500.
Ian Crean
{K:14866} 1/8/2004
What an amazing sight, is that really how it looks or did you alter the colour? I expect it's natural and would love to know more about it. I've a couple of aerial shots in my portfolio you might like also if you have time (or the inclination!). Nice job.
jo pez
{K:2958} 1/8/2004
..amazing... nice to me:)
Marcos Duarte
{K:15402} 1/8/2004
Belissima foto Com otima textura e composiçao; Magnifica produçao com otimos detalhes e cores. Parabens Marcos Duarte
{K:5655} 1/8/2004
Interesting looking river. Sure beats the boring water around here.
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 1/8/2004
Wow, what a spectacular site. I like desert scenes from airplanes but this is just beautiful. Good job and nice cropping or framing,