Anne E. M. Zang
{K:4135} 11/22/2002
I just made a comment on the color version and came over here for a looksee. I'm going to go against the grain of this crowd and vote for the color. The black and white version here isn't settling with the same impact as the color for me, I think because of the right side...in the b&w there is less distinction between the grass and the sky where the grass overlaps the white clouded area.
Andrew Lahanas
{K:7062} 11/22/2002
I just noticed this one today. This is very nice. The dark and light, the difference in textures of the clouds and the grass, everything is very nice. It's funny how there is no real sole subject in the photo, but it still looks complete. Good onya mate!
jeff lynch
{K:4770} 11/21/2002
I know it's a bit late but I'm gonna throw my vote in for the b&w version. No real reason to give you but I just like this one better. How's that for ambiguous?
Sarah Needham
{K:2482} 11/21/2002
Thanks so much to everyone who commented on this picture, and the colour version. I personally like this one better, but unfortunatley cannot reproduce it on print. (My mum's printer will not print proper black and white - without a colour cast.) So if I ever want to frame this picture, I will have to have the colour version.
Eric Goldwasser
{K:4294} 11/20/2002
I do like it, but I think the color is better.
sean slavin
{K:3488} 11/20/2002
very nice sarah. this one is definitely better. great contrast and i love the sky. 8)
Asha Rajan
{K:292} 11/20/2002
I agree, the bw is more striking. I see you're putting the polariser to good use! :-)
Mark Scheuern
{K:1428} 11/20/2002
Hard to decide but I think I prefer the b&w version. In either form, though, it's a striking image.
Steve Kompier
{K:4629} 11/20/2002
This version works the best. NIce contrasting textures.
Dawna G.
{K:7709} 11/20/2002
Hi Sarah, I think I like the bw version better than the color, even though the color is intense in the other image. I like the camera angle, add drama!