Just a little PS experiment. Combination of two images taken a few years apart, one in summer, the other in winter. The summer one is my "Boom to Bust" image and the other I'll attach below. Just cut and paste with photoshop, as well as rebuilt parts of the image that didn't align.
Thanks Becky. I Re-did this one much more carefully after making some high-res scans of both images. I've made prints up to 8x12 and they look great - no blurriness around the wheel, better matching up of lines, etc. The angle that the winter shot was taken from is actually a bit off from the summer one. The horizon in the summer shot is much higher in the frame while the wheel is in almost the same location. The zoom was also set differently. But photoshop works wonders and the shot came out really cool. Glad you like it :)
I can't believe how close you came to taking an identical photo several months later! You did an admirable job aligning the two images. It couldn't have been easy considering the winter photo had a bit more distance in it. It would have been nice if the wheel had consistent lighting between the two photos, but that really can't be helped unless you can control the weather and those big, ominous clouds. My only (minor) criticism is that the top of the wheel and the end of the axle is a bit soft. Unfortunately, those soft summer slices are sitting right next to the sharper winter slices of the wheel, so the difference becomes more obvious.
Overall though, it's keen. I can't believe I missed this one the first time around!