arijit(ratul) talukder
{K:6029} 8/22/2006
darun !! bishon dreamy ekta bhab ache , r seta e match winner. ratul.
Nilanjan Mitra
{K:12955} 8/22/2006
kono kotha hobe na... ki environment aha :) queen of the hills at her best :) rgrds, nil
Anindya Maity
{K:7880} 11/21/2004
Dear Ayan,are u located in North Bengal?
Ayan Mukherjee
{K:7990} 11/18/2004
Subhash Sen
{K:11931} 2/21/2004
You did a great job,cheers,Subhash.
Anindya Maity
{K:7880} 3/16/2003
Thanks Gary.
Gary Auerbach
{K:3935} 3/12/2003
Dr. Maity,
Thank you for your comment about my image from the drawing studio. It had been in my mind for some time to photograph figure models with artists drawing them. I wanted to show the figure, not with a provocotive intent...but more academic. The figure is beautiful...but can be exploited. Some people have disliked them...maybe just because there is an unclothed person in them.
Regarding your images...I had commented on the children on the beach image a while ago. The images you have that have use fog....or mist...are all very effective. Window light is the best....use it more often...a couple of your images do use this type of light and are stronger.
I told you I have been to Bangalore a couple times. Lovely. I was hoping to help set up a chiropractic school there...but it just didnt work out. I am friends with Isaac Mathai...whose portrait is on my website under personal portraits..maybe you know him.. He is a homeopath.
Best of luck...appreciated your comments.....
Anindya Maity
{K:7880} 1/3/2003
Alain Mijngheer
{K:11733} 1/1/2003
Great picture, wish I had taken it :)
meprivacynet@meprivacy.net meprivacynet@meprivacy.net
{K:3974} 11/24/2002
Romantic and nicely done. 8 out of 10.
Anindya Maity
{K:7880} 11/19/2002
Thanks everybody for the comments.I agree about the lamp post but unfortunately the only uncluttered view available was this one.
Steven B. Poitinger
{K:1757} 11/18/2002
Very evocative mood created here. I wish she were standing right where the light pole is, without the light pole though as Chris mentioned. I think it might create better balance. The left hand side looks a little heavy. I think you did very well with these conditions.
tess campbell
{K:515} 11/18/2002
a lost soul walking through the mist.....
Chris Whaley
{K:3847} 11/18/2002
great shot!....nice mood...the only detracting feature is the outline of the lamp pole? in the trees. Understandable you can't move the pole but great shot regardless.