Paula Goddard
{K:8492} 3/31/2004
I love this one too! Great!
{K:9693} 12/22/2003
beautiful place! great work and colours cheers
Moji Tehrani
{K:2678} 12/22/2003
very beautiful green velvet photo.
Emanuele Calvagno
{K:14353} 12/22/2003
bellissima composizione... ottime le curve, i colori, la zona d'ombra... se magari mi dici dove si trova il posto......sai mi č venuta voglia di andarmici a rotolare..... Ciao Emanuele
{K:1052} 12/21/2003
I love the lines ... very nice landscape! Regards Milan
Frank Li
{K:2103} 12/21/2003
So many layers! It's a great photo, I like the shawdows/lines in the middle region. Well done Luciano
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 12/21/2003
Stunning scenic beauty, spendid work.
Kristupa Saragih
{K:1031} 12/21/2003
The shapes build a beautiful composition
Carla Pires
{K:10713} 12/21/2003
Very nice shot. Almost an abstract. Well done. Congrats! :)
Paulo Machado
{K:4482} 12/21/2003
Wonderful colors, great texture and light.
Sandro Monti
{K:1278} 12/21/2003
Wow, beautiful lighting. I really like the curves. I also the composition by how the tree seems lost in all that grass. Very nice job!!!