no one
{K:-50} 10/22/2005
Always loved this one. Probably my preferred. What i like most is that it has only 2 predominant colors so well joined. Gooooood.
Ali Kamran
{K:1097} 2/17/2004
sadaf jan kheyli rang va composition khoobi dareh omidvaram tooyeh photoshop dastkarish nakrdeh bashi ;) prespective khoobi dareh kheyli klhosham oomad
Hootan Hougtiness
{K:409} 1/30/2004
Salam , Nostalgic feeling , I feel my lonlines times of my life ... Very beauty Full ! image ,
Moji Tehrani
{K:2678} 12/23/2003
Excellent shot, with nice atmosphere. Thank you for your comment on my photo. movafagh bashey.
aLI .
{K:2468} 12/22/2003
where dose she go?
{K:32791} 12/22/2003
It is a little bit too soft but the mood is very good. The golden tone contrasted against the blue of her outfit and her walking away sets a somber mood for this scene.
Abeer Al Jarsh
{K:10209} 12/21/2003
excellent shoot well done
Elahe S. Ahmadian
{K:8695} 12/21/2003
salam sadaf jan, very good shot, great colors and composition, and ofcourse so familiar and touching for me.
Caprice Duvent
{K:3998} 12/21/2003
very nice composition ! Regards Caprice
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 12/21/2003
one day last fall you simply left and walked away leaving so little nesting in the barren branches above our common yesterdays
Jan Symank
{K:22030} 12/21/2003
Beautiful ! ( I wish you would have a better scanner ) Great composition and expression
Akse cheili gashenke, Afarim Sadaf ! Ghodahfez Jan