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Image Title:  Hieroglyphics??
Favorites: 0 
 By: Michael Alexander  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  Michael Alexander {Karma:5293}
Project #12 Dramatic B&W Shadows Camera Model Nikon 5700
Categories Cityscape
Film Format
Portfolio Graffiti
Lens Nikkor
Uploaded 12/6/2003 Film / Memory Type ISO 100
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 868 Shutter 1/20.2 without a tripod
Favorites Aperture f/2.8
Critiques 10 Rating
/ 7 Ratings
Location City - 
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Country -   
About I can?t understand any of this writing? Can anyone tell me what this stuff means?
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There are 10 Comments in 1 Pages
Jon Slater   {K:1340} 12/30/2003
Very good shot. My only point for improvement would be to use PS to correct the perspective angle on the left of the photo. What are the writings saying? I don't care about anyone else's property, I've got a can of spray paint.


SarahM none   {K:7836} 12/15/2003
Hi Mike, you certainly have a very creative eye! I really like this and you have captured a lot of detail, even though we don't know what that detail means. I would also be curious about what this would have looked like in color? Were the writings in all sorts of colors? (Not to imply that you shouldn't have used B&W, as I really like it as it is.) Also, you might consider cropping off just a tad on the right so the image ends with the wall? Super shot and most creative!!!!

Thank you so much for your comment on my image "snow." Shockingly, I did use a tripod and a Nikkor VR lens with a cable release. I think I should have used a higher Aperature. The weather was appalling, so I just took a couple of shots and ran back to the warm car. Need to learn to suffer more for my art :)


Dan Arthur   {K:4280} 12/15/2003
Hey Mike, Thanks for the kind words and the detailed comments! I can't tell you how much it's appreciated. As someone trying hard to move into a professional arena, the need for comment and feedback is critical - so thanks much!

With regard to this photo, I will say that you never cease to amaze me with your creative eye. I'm an engineer by education and I tend to look at things very mechanically (I still like the coffe cup photo, but haven't been able to re-create it). You have shown with this and your other photos a degree of creativity and originality that always surprises me (where do you come up with these ideas?).

Anyway, I really do like this photo, but really think that it could have been made better had there been something else in the photo to enhance the composition (perhaps a person or animal?). I'm also curious as to why you didn't use a tripod? Seems that the photo could have been even that much better? Keep up the work and let me know how you did the coffe cup shot! Best Regards, Dan


Gregory Fiedler   {K:15439} 12/13/2003
The person is trying to say. I have a piant can stuck to my hand and I can't get it off! Help!!! Well really I don't understand it either, but it is a good photo! Great perspective and depth!


Spencer E. Spencer E.   {K:4032} 12/7/2003
interesting capture blue... I'd love to see the portrait shot.. convince her! (Or maybe switch her face out in photoshop? haha!)


Michael Alexander   {K:5293} 12/7/2003
Great idea dan, I've did one, but she dosent want to be posted on the internet etc.. have to trade her in for one that will LOL


Dan Lightner   {K:12684} 12/7/2003
Mike this is a great location .You need to take some portraits here in the arches its got a lot of potential, you might ned some relectors or some light to brighten it up , but I can see a lot ways to use this location..May be a girl in blue jeans and a white shirt,or maybe yellow.


Michael Alexander   {K:5293} 12/6/2003
Good point Andreas


Andreas Wolkerstorfer   {K:5090} 12/6/2003
hm, I guess the writings are not to understand, they are just statements that there was someone - like paintings in carves or so


Cherie Spike   {K:-21959} 12/6/2003
great shot Blue! Well seen




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