I'm just trying to learn some more things in photoshop. I'm trying to place color elements of the image in its black and white counter part. Please help me out with suggestions, recipes, or critiques on how to "create" this type of an image or make it better.
Tobiah, Your image turned out quite nice. However it is really overexposed which makes it kind of hard to focus on the eyes. Also the eyes lack some sharpness, which again doesn't do good to making them 'pop' out. I know a rebel can produce very high quality images so I would suggest you shoot some more shots. I do not agree with Spencer on the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer, there are better ways to turning an image into B&W. For example the RGB channel mixer. Check out www.luminous-landscape.com for a good tutorial on that one.
If you will be using photoshop, the best way I have found is to create a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer, drop the saturation, then use a paintbrush to "paint" out the black&white. Whatever way you used for the above photo, seemed to turn out well! regards, Spencer