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New Way Out
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Image Title:  New Way Out
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 By: Naty Z  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  Naty Z {Karma:16436}
Project N/A Camera Model Fuji Finepix2400Zoom
Categories Architecture
Film Format
Portfolio Lens  
Uploaded 11/24/2003 Film / Memory Type  
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 804 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/0
Critiques 46 Rating
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There are 46 Comments in 1 Pages
Clifton Jones Clifton Jones   {K:10688} 2/23/2004
Great perspective...very nice image......


Lori Stitt   {K:75282} 2/22/2004
I love arches so this would be a dream for me! Really composition on this image, I like the tones...wish I were there!!
Lori :)


Tommaso Di Falco Tommaso Di Falco   {K:23819} 12/23/2003
Mi affascina sempre questo genere di prospettiva specie con questi archi... uno spettacolo. Molto bella la tonalità e il tocco delle figure nella composizione...
Best Wishes, Tommaso


Hanna Segal Hanna Segal   {K:13469} 11/30/2003
Hi, Naty. This is a cool way out. And yes, there's light at the end of it. Thanks for your comments. I took the shot in the Tower Chapel in London, last summer.


NN  NN     {K:26787} 11/29/2003
Lovely light here Naty! Excellent composition as well ...


John Hatziemmanouil   {K:40580} 11/28/2003
BEAUTIFUL! Is that a so long distance way? SUPERB perspective! My eyes lost at the two people in a distance of a cuple miles...


Mirko Saviane   {K:4588} 11/28/2003
Quando ci vediamo mi spieghi dov'è 'sto portico fantastico che hai messo parecchio bene in risalto così... magari una sola figura ed un po' più vicino l'avrei preferita... ma gusti personali... lo so che è "maniacale"... ma la prox volta cerca di fare in modo che tra le colonne non si veda "ciò che 'sta fuori"... qui si nota poco comunque - sulla sinistra... ed è solo per la pulizia dell'immagine... ma sono veramente preziosismi... Ciao...ah... Ci siamo sicuri sia io che il mio "compare di foto" Lorenz. A presto allora... Ci sentiamo per i dettagli...


luisa vassallo luisa vassallo   {K:28230} 11/27/2003
Sembra quasi un plastico fatto di gesso ... la luce è splendida e quasi irreale per questi porticati che spesso sono all'ombra e, pur stupendi, sono sempre un po' cupi.
Vedo che non sono la prima a dirti queste cose ... anche a me quei due tipi danno un tocco di maggior verità e interesse alla foto!!
Ciao!! (pronti per il 7?)


Rui Palha Rui Palha   {K:13624} 11/27/2003
Beautiful perspective and soft colors, very well composed.


donato r. donato r.   {K:16361} 11/27/2003
Incantevole!.....molto bella la prospettiva, ma soprattutto la luce che dona una calda atmosfera di pace!
ciao donato


Harlan Heald Harlan Heald   {K:15732} 11/26/2003
Looks like you gave some good thought as to how you composed this. Nice result, too! Superb toning that works for this image!


Amitava Banerjea   {K:7088} 11/26/2003
I like this kind of shot. In particular, I like this one with the people. And I think the low-contrast, high-key treatment works well. I'm not sure it would be better or worse in B&W, just different. I like it as it is.


PK- Photos PK- Photos   {K:13099} 11/26/2003
Hi Naty, I like it very much with the people and without...both....
I can imagine it looks also fantastic in b/w, but I like this soft light and tones
GOOD JOB !!!!!
Ciao, Pia


Barry Walthall   {K:5312} 11/26/2003
I love the lighting a composition,'ve done a fine job!I like this a lot.


- simos -   {K:9354} 11/26/2003
Beautiful, smooth light and composition
regards, simo


Tomo Radovanovic   {K:12788} 11/25/2003
excellent shot
nice perspective
best regards my friend


B:)liana    {K:30945} 11/25/2003
Great DOF my friend.
kisses, biliana


Kim kyungsang   {K:14135} 11/25/2003
This is a nice image


Joksa Juoperi   {K:13473} 11/25/2003
Great capture with nice perspective, lighting and tone.
Regards, Joksa.


pippo giuseppe   {K:16421} 11/25/2003
Bellissima Naty!!Straordinaria la tonalità!! Maria Grazia


Libero Api Libero Api   {K:12174} 11/25/2003
Bella prospettiva, quelle personcine lontane lontane sono deliziose. Ciao e buona giornata!


ventrix drogo ventrix drogo   {K:65398} 11/24/2003
Che favolosa prospettiva, bellissimi i toni. Ottimamente inquadrata. Ciao


Alexey Sapa   {K:27174} 11/24/2003
Hi, Naty! I like tone! Very beautiful picture! Lovely shot! Excellent details- two silhouettes at the end... Regards, ALexey


LaMaro Hall   {K:3658} 11/24/2003
Nice use of DOF. Good shot........


Marília Ferraz   {K:-4756} 11/24/2003
There is always a new way out. A way back. A way to escape. A way to stay, Naty.
This is so different from you and, yet, it is you. I see the romantic side in hre. Lei, amica.
Baci and love,


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 11/24/2003
prima di tutto un 7*...5 è fantastica lineare pulita semplice.. come piacciono a me!
una prsopetiva ineccepibile.. con gli omini là in fondo... meravigliosa!!
ma dov'è.. padova???
un abbraccio.. roby


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 11/24/2003
Excellent perspective, very nice object. I particularly like the toning
Great composition. The two tiny silhouettes in the distance add to the image.


Massimo Di Maggio Massimo Di Maggio   {K:-53658} 11/24/2003
Naty, che bellezza!!! Ma dove hai trovato questo porticato? Vabbè che sono passati anni, ma non ricordo di aver visto una simile bellezza a Padova, quelli che ricordo erano decisamente più corti e più scuri. Mi piace la luce che c'è sotto queste volte, dolce e serena, e non sono d'accordo con gli altri, trovo che le due figure minuscole in fondo siano affascinanti e sono secondo me un tocco d'artista. Brava!! Ciao, notte. Max


Naty Z   {K:16436} 11/24/2003
Gregory, you got there two minutes after me, but my shot is better than yours :-)) :-p


Haleh B   {K:3741} 11/24/2003
I see the light at the end of this tunnle!


Tiro Leander   {K:19060} 11/24/2003
Looks like a good way out, i like the way this one is like going to infinity. And it looks so new or...clean? Where is this, i once were in Torino once, all the sidewalks under roof - well almost all. :-)


Rhonda Prince   {K:17687} 11/24/2003
Excellent perspective, love the toning, especially.


Jani Salvataggio   {K:27283} 11/24/2003
excellent composition!!!


Benedetto Riba Benedetto Riba   {K:15792} 11/24/2003
Great work!!!! Magnifica prospettiva.


Gregory Fiedler   {K:15439} 11/24/2003
Yikes, try again..


Gregory Fiedler   {K:15439} 11/24/2003
opps here it is.........


Gregory Fiedler   {K:15439} 11/24/2003
Naty Z, I like the natural color and light. This has much depth, great lines, and your main horizontal lines are nice and level. Well composed! I like the light at the end, helps the depth as well as the people do. Hope you don't mind, but I ran to the place where you took this and shot it with no people. I beeped the horn as I went by your house, but you were not home. (kidding, a little photoshop)Yet another great image Z!


Alan Orr   {K:9671} 11/24/2003
Nice light, shadow and perspective.


Cherie Spike   {K:-21959} 11/24/2003
Yay Naty go for it! - this is really sublime - I like the fact that there are 2 tiny figures way out in the background, this adds to the great perspective of this shot... and just the contrasts of those creamy colours makes this very special indeed. bravo, Cherie


Dave Dixon   {K:2035} 11/24/2003
Very effective perspective, but I agree with Dirck that maybe it could benefit from a bit more contrast.
Personally I like the fact that there are a couple of figures at the end


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 11/24/2003
excellent architecture.. nice work


Naty Z   {K:16436} 11/24/2003
Ann, you don't like people?


Amna Al Shamsi   {K:21795} 11/24/2003
Excellent seems endless way!


Ann Doyle   {K:3} 11/24/2003
I would liked to see what this photo would have looked like without the people at the end???


Dirck DuFlon   {K:35779} 11/24/2003
Wow - that collonade seems to go on forever! I like the natural monochrome nature of this composition, so consistent all the way to the back. I feel it could perhaps use just a little more contrast to keep it from being too flat? Very nice photo!


Antonio Trincone   {K:23167} 11/24/2003
wonderful arc shot, very nice




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