Kame Kame
{K:92} 10/29/2002
I like how all the lines, even the cloud, point to the same point on the horizon.
Aiman Nassar
{K:11961} 10/25/2002
Thank you Tony, and I do appreciate your critic, coming out from an expert... hate the feeling of not being able to go back and reshoot it, correcting the exposure problems... but comments here makes me want to do more... wish that we can have at least 3 comments on each picture... no matter how good or could be better... we all learn from each other... and sharing thoughts and point of views... I think could open doors to better photography... when you see someone talking about the exposure, composition, DOF, forground and bacground, ... I mean everything... we start looking for more than a good frame.. but how we can make it more 3D, or carry emotions and feelings, mood and color, and so on.... Thank you again
Tony Smallman
{K:23858} 10/25/2002
Aiman,I've been looking through your portfolio and enjoyed your work very much.I especially like this photo, the low perspective with the prow thrusting up really gives me the sensation of being in the boat and a feeling of the water beneath.Great Work!
Miles .
{K:896} 10/19/2002
I love the colour and depth and lines. Good picture Miles
Sebastiaan Neerhout
{K:299} 10/17/2002
I like the vertical shot too, but I prefer the first one cuz of the composition (the rope in front and cuz of the lower camera position). maybe you can change the contrast levels a little bit in photoshop to make the sky look a bit darker. I hope it works out.
Aiman Nassar
{K:11961} 10/17/2002
Thank you for your comments. I agree with Kim and Sebastiaan about the upper right hand corner, but I didn't have a ND filter, and I'm having a problem finding a set of filters that fits all sizez of my lenses, since some of the are pretty wide range from 52 till 92, and the widest range for Cokin Pro is 82 or 86, and it is really expensive to buy Cokin XP (I think)... anyway it was kinda of way to travel light as we all are advised on our abroad trips, wish next time I manage to do it better... I attaced here a vertical shot of the same boat, if you think it is nice, I might post it tomorrow

Sebastiaan Neerhout
{K:299} 10/17/2002
hey Aiman, very nice composition! and I love how the red stands out from the rest of the colours. about the sky: the upper right seems to be to bright, wouldn't a ND grad be better here? I don't have a ND grad, so I'm not really sure about it, but maybe someone else could give the answer.
Kim Barke
{K:278} 10/17/2002
I love this shot. Great choice for the composition. It just seems too bad that the right side is a little washed out. I don't have any experience using polarizing filters, but I thought they were supposed to eliminate that? Regardless, it's a beautiful shot. The boat hums it's so vivid.
Nermin Habib
{K:61} 10/17/2002
i love the reds and blues
Sarah Needham
{K:2482} 10/17/2002
Aiman, this is very good. I like the way the front of the boat is pointing to the top left third of the picture. The red of the boat is also nice and vivid. A very good composition.