Eric Goldwasser
{K:4294} 3/8/2003
John, this probably isn't anything like what you were looking for, but I played around with this a little.
Let me know if you want to know what I did. Or get me in chat.
Kurt Yang
{K:967} 11/13/2002
John, I like the composition.
John Myers
{K:4308} 11/1/2002
Bob, it's not just you:)...i was thinking the same thing...i shall go back this summer, perhaps, and look for more views and roads to get to those views, as long as my friend is willing to drive me, heh:)
Bob Jarman
{K:3145} 10/29/2002
I really love the color and detail of this image. Very well exposed imo.
I am not sure about the composition. although I like the separation and Depth of the image, the fall lines of the first ridge take me off the image. Wonder if that's just me?
Nice image John, wonderful spot fo sure!
John Myers
{K:4308} 10/18/2002
thank you, alexander. i was hoping the sky would come out just a tad more properly exposed, but i really don't think an ND grad filter would have helped...i actually think it would hurt the photo, as the mountains jut up too high.
hume lake is a beautiful place:)
Zarazka Zarazkovich
{K:1510} 10/17/2002
Great photo John, I like a great sharpness of the background which is hard to get in the mountains as well as expressive sky!
John Myers
{K:4308} 10/17/2002
thanks koen:). i like the color seperation too. it was a hazy day though, so i THINK i used a CPL...just to let you know, heh. take care.
Koen B
{K:3279} 10/17/2002
Positive here is the colour usage. Blue in the back separates the foreground from the background. Nice !