Heather Cameron Manchak
{K:508} 3/23/2005
Thank you Roland. Appreciate and value your comment and advice.
Roland Lacson
{K:12214} 3/23/2005
One of my favorite categories to shoot is "Street Life" & you've got a nice one here Heather. The expression of each individual, a moment's pause of their daily rigors in life to just be themselves. I believe it's better left untouched & not cropped @ all & thanks so much for your recent comment, cheers.
Heather Cameron Manchak
{K:508} 3/18/2005
nice lighting job...looks better like that.
John Erin
{K:460} 3/17/2005
i think the people at the left and right add weight to the shot. Here's my take on how it could look.

Cris Mitchell
{K:119} 11/18/2003
Heather I love this shot, especially since my Siberian Husky would never sit that attentive ;-) I would almost say crop this pic square, I don't think the people at the other tables are really adding anything to the shot. Nice Job!
Heather Cameron Manchak
{K:508} 11/18/2003
Thank you. Yes, i like it better with the full behind:) Thanks.
Amitava Banerjea
{K:7088} 11/18/2003
Might I suggest a cropping like the attached? I've left the dog's behind in at the cost of a including a bit of Bill's as well! I also took the liberty of trying to correct the tilt. Then cropped at a 4x5 aspect ratio in the portrait orientation. Let me know what you think.

Jan Symank
{K:22030} 11/18/2003
Nice moment and photo. You can correct the tilted horizontal line. Bravo and regards from Jan
Heather Cameron Manchak
{K:508} 11/18/2003
i did try taking out bill gates but i lose some of the dog's rear end...
see what i mean (hope this revised pic shows up....)

Amitava Banerjea
{K:7088} 11/18/2003
I think it works either way. Cropping would lose the Bill gates look alike on the left, though:-) At the bare minimum I'd suggest straightening it. Everything seems to be leaning to the right. You may consider correcting for perspective too while you're at it but I'd consider that optional.
sandy c. hopkins
{K:17107} 11/18/2003
i was thinking yes on the crop...really tight around the two ladies and the dogs.. it would put emphasis where it is needed...great shot!