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Sleeping Woman
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Image Title:  Sleeping Woman
Favorites: 0 
 By: Roger Williams  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer Roger Williams  Roger Williams {Karma:86139}
Project #38 Photo Help Camera Model Cosina Voigtlander Bessa T101
Categories People
Film Format
Portfolio Black & White
Lens Heliar 50/3.5
Uploaded 11/4/2003 Film / Memory Type Fuji Superia 800
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 585 Shutter 1/30th
Favorites Aperture F/4
Critiques 8 Rating
/ 2 Ratings
Location City - 
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About I liked the little old lady, and am reasonably pleased with the result, but I'd appreciate advice on how I might have improved it. I won't tell you what *I* think's wrong with it.
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There are 8 Comments in 1 Pages
Ronald Harmon   {K:612} 11/21/2003
I love to show life in its naturalness. This is good. It has a feeling to it. It might be warm on a cold night and the rhythm of the train has lulled the little gal to sleep. It tells a story. I know we can't set thinks up but we just have to take a lot of photos and show the best one. I would have liked to have seen a little more of the face in this photo.

The dark colors the woman is wearing and the strong design line on the right taking the eye into the photo is really good. But still I would have like to see a little more face. Perhaps if I was there I would have taken this one plus a bunch more and somehow be in the hopes that she would have shown more face.

In looking at this photo though, your subject does convey the feeling of tireness and that is what you were after - right.


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 11/8/2003
I'm most grateful for the suggestions. Amazing what quite small differences can make! I did experiment a bit with cropping before I decided on this one (the toes weren't available, I'm afraid, probably due to uncorrected parallax--the T101 doesn't have auto parallax correction, you have to guess!). I like the slightly higher contrast of Matej's suggestion, and the crop seems to work better too. I'm not sure about burning the hands, Chis, or at least perhaps not quite so much. They do look a bit too white as they were, I admit.


John E Robertson John E Robertson   {K:1752} 11/7/2003
I like this but would concur with the croping shown above. Obviously Tokyo subway is a lot quieter than the ones in Glasgow and London!!


Katia Cutrone Katia Cutrone   {K:12940} 11/6/2003
At the contrary, I'd like to see also some other persons next to her, to give a stronger contrast with her deep relaxed sleeping.

Very good capture.


Chris Lauritzen   {K:14949} 11/5/2003
Oops forgot to atttach the file...


Chris Lauritzen   {K:14949} 11/5/2003
I think the tones are good but I do agree about the crop. Either show her feet or cut them out. I would also burn in her hand a little and dodge the right sode of her hat.

Something like this?


Matej Maceas Matej Maceas   {K:24381} 11/4/2003
Here's what I think. Technically, it looks somewhat flat and could use more contrast. Compositionally, if it wasn't possible to include her fully into a vertical frame (the chopped off toes), maybe horizontal framing (crop between the knees and the bottom of the coat), including the person next to her, possibly could have worked well.

I'm always afraid to fall asleep in public transport... who knows where I might wake up? Yet some people always wake up in time to get out at the right stop. Amazing.


Charlotte Shockey Charlotte Shockey   {K:2146} 11/4/2003
I think it looks really great.. on the lady everything looks great and pops out there except the pants and shoes... maybe burn them in a little to make a little darker so it matches the rest of her..




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