Scott McFadden
{K:5663} 11/18/2003
if you crop off to the left you'll get an intresting triangle. Good subject matter and good sharpness is great to see.
* kees *
{K:2357} 10/27/2003
I like the abstract nature of this photograph. Well seen. It lacks a little in contrast though. Regards, Kees
Matej Maceas
{K:24381} 10/24/2003
This image has balls! ;-) Can you actually go inside and is there something interesting there, or is it just a structure built for its own sake?
Somehow it seems to me that the photo has a very slight greenish tint. Is that just me or do you see it as well? If it's really there, I'd be interested to know whether it's the film or the scanner (or the paper, maybe?) that does it.
Where's the grain?
Bjorn Beheydt
{K:12096} 10/22/2003
Richard !!! Finally !!! Someone who actually reads the info !!! Just kidding, you got me there. I shot this image twice, once with the B&W rated at ISO3200, once with color rated at ISO200. I seem to have mixed up, these are the settings from the color roll, I'm afraid I forgot the exact settings for the B&W (I really need to start making notes !!!). I know it was somehwere around f8 or a bit higher.
Richard Thornton
{K:26442} 10/22/2003
Here's a puzzle . . . 1/250 @ f8 is a pretty normal outdoor exposure setting for regular ISO film. But you used ISO 3200! Why such a fast film rating?
Werner de Gruyter
{K:53} 10/22/2003
Good Idea... Only the picture would be more powerfull if you crop out the disctracting metal structure and lightning underneath the picture. While you do this you should also crop the left part of the photo a little bit, to create more harmony. Thereby creating an abstract and very tensefull pic. By the way, thx for your PS advise...
{K:30945} 10/21/2003
Interesting point of view. Need more contrast, you can arrange it in PS. The subject is very unusual and your angle is good. well seen. Kisses, BIliana
Bjorn Beheydt
{K:12096} 10/21/2003
This is a picture of the whole Atomium, which was built in 1958 in Brussels (Belgium) for the World Expo which was being held there.
