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Lake Louise
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Image Title:  Lake Louise
Favorites: 2 
 By: John Bohner  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  John Bohner {Karma:8368}
Project #24 The Decisive Moment Camera Model Leica
Categories Travel
Film Format
Portfolio Lens 19mm f2.8 Elmarit
Uploaded 10/20/2003 Film / Memory Type Fuji Velvia
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 2561 Shutter unknown
Favorites Aperture f5.6
Critiques 44 Rating
/ 32 Ratings
Location City - 
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About Significant smoke in air, very hazy day, roughly 2pm local
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There are 44 Comments in 1 Pages
Dennis Hendricksen Dennis Hendricksen   {K:4817} 3/25/2006
This is one amazing image. I really like how the streaks of shadow from the cloud are mirrored in the arrangement of the canoes at the dock (kind of fanned out). All the various shades of blue with little other colours noticeable makes this picture almost surreal. One other observation - your picture is filled with triangular patterns, and as a subtle reminder of that you have three people in the image, one who is at the peak of one of the triangles (the one on the dock). I can't say how much I enjoy this picture - I keep finding more neat little details every time I look at it.


a. M. a. M.   {K:9020} 9/11/2005
very pretty shot...i like the light and the clouds


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 5/14/2005
cool image.. love the sky and the landscape.. great work


So Cal Photograhper   {K:18529} 5/14/2005
Every part of this photo is awesome. The composition of the photo with the boat on the lake and the man standing on the dock, the cloud burst with the rays of the sun going in all directions, and all the shades of blue. SEVEN PLUS!


Drake  Descant   {K:56} 10/28/2004
Amzing Shot.


Barbara Bremigan   {K:1164} 12/20/2003
Great capture with lots of impact.


Caprice Duvent   {K:3998} 12/7/2003
what a nice composition ! this is what I call a "WOW" shot ! :-)

btw: Thanks for the workshop for my composition (rêverie),now she look more better :-)
(sorry for my poor english)


David Yates   {K:4698} 12/5/2003
Great feeling of depth, and I love the backlit cloud. I agree w/ the comment that the left edge is a little too dark- could be dodged or cropped. Otherwise perfect!
Great work.


Kim Culbert   {K:37070} 11/19/2003
This one is much better in my opinion... probably because I lived in Calgary for 2 years and saw the traditional Lake Louise shot so many times. This shows a lot of creativeness and the rays coming out of clouds are amazing! The rim lighting on the canoes are wonderful as well... canoes add so much to different scenes. Truly, a wonderful composition and scene. I am looking forward to checking out more of your portfolio when I have some time!


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 11/19/2003
I like them both, John--this one and the more conventional once that Al chose to feature you with. I feel privileged to see such beautiful photographs of Nature. Of course, you do have some of the most beautiful Nature in the world to photograph, which helps! But these photographs and many of your other ones are at such a deeply satisfying level that it's hard to find words to praise them. I am silenced. Which many who know me will find almost incredible.


Nicola Vassallo   {K:9801} 11/19/2003
sei molto bravo! continua così. ciao dall'italia.


Jeff Moss   {K:552} 11/14/2003
Very different viewpoint of a sought-after photography spot.


Robert Worthingham   {K:535} 11/13/2003
Spectacular image John! When I was there in early August, it was so smokey, we could hardly see Victoria Glacier. At about 3 pm, however, the wind changed and all was revealed. It was worth waiting it out! Well done!
Cheers, Bob


Benedetto Riba Benedetto Riba   {K:15792} 11/8/2003
MATERPIECE!!!!!!! great portfolio.!!


Bill Krul   {K:5597} 10/30/2003
They don't get much better than this. I am still waiting to get a good subject lit by a sun hidden cloud!


Laurie J. Herndon   {K:5338} 10/30/2003
I was at Lake Louise over 20 years ago and I see that it still looks as incredible as I remember. It's hard to explain to people who have never seen water that color. Remarkable shot. Love all your work. Bella


Kelly Ruston   {K:175} 10/29/2003
I saw the more 'conventional' Lake Louise shot first, then browsed your folder...
Incredible shot. The lighting is amazing given that time of the day. Very impressive capture.


sandy c. hopkins   {K:17107} 10/29/2003
had to take another look...
very lovely..


DELETE ACCOUNT   {K:5655} 10/28/2003
Great shot. This looks like something out of National Geographic. The blues are stunning. Good work.


John Bohner   {K:8368} 10/22/2003
Thank you all for your kind and supportive comments to a UseFilm newbie.

John B


Charlie Ellis   {K:2692} 10/21/2003
Excellent photo, John. The canoes make a nice touch and the sun behind the cloud is very cool! Beautiful colors and composition, well done!
Thanks for comments to my Little Tupper Lake photo, it is off the main trail as you say. This area was only recently opened to the public and turned into a designated wilderness area 3-4 years ago or so. Prior to that it was private property of the Whitney family.



Morgan Elliott   {K:364} 10/21/2003
Excellent Shot! Everythings Great, Very Dramatic!


- simos -   {K:9354} 10/21/2003
Superb......regards, simo


Diamantino Mendes   {K:12959} 10/21/2003
Wonderful lighting and fantastic deep blue.
Congrats John.


A Brito   {K:10699} 10/21/2003
Very, very nice picture !
Love the rays of light and composition...


Craig Garland   {K:27077} 10/21/2003
Outstanding composition, and the blue near monochrome tone suits this subject and landscape very well. Excellent! Cheers. Craig


Milan KORMAN Milan KORMAN   {K:1052} 10/20/2003
very nice ...great light...


cinzia gregorutti   {K:4721} 10/20/2003
fantastic!great colours and composition!i love it!


Priyadarshi Sinha   {K:7238} 10/20/2003
beautyful shades of blue ... very well composed shot. good shot.


Andy Simmons Andy Simmons   {K:7704} 10/20/2003
WOnderful shades of blue, great use of light and composition.


Stefan Engström   {K:24473} 10/20/2003
That cloud certainly demands attention, but what grabs my eye are the lines of the distant mountains converging on the person standing on the dock.


Joel Bonda   {K:725} 10/20/2003
Lake Louise is beautiful country and you captured it beautifully.


Amancio Couto   {K:15720} 10/20/2003
Excellent John! Great shot!...SUPER!!!


Rawabi Al-Nuaimi   {K:15659} 10/20/2003
WOW!!! very dramatic shot with GREAT composition and lighting.. I love the shades of blue and the boats in the foreground... the cloud and the rays coming out from behind it are a splendid touch :)


Haleh B   {K:3741} 10/20/2003
This image has all the elements of good photography.


Raymund Macaalay Raymund Macaalay   {K:7218} 10/20/2003
Look at that sky and the rays, perfect shot John and Welcome to Usefilm hope to see more of this great work


sandy c. hopkins   {K:17107} 10/20/2003
i am very new here but welcome...i can not wait to see more...


Spencer E. Spencer E.   {K:4032} 10/20/2003
Beautiful composition and tones. Well done!


paul shelasky   {K:1211} 10/20/2003
Terrific. You've got a great eye.


Alan Orr   {K:9671} 10/20/2003
A very amazing photo. I wish I were there for a bit. Excellent composition and exposure.Deserves all 8's.


Dave Holland Dave Holland   {K:13074} 10/20/2003
Hey, John, another creative shot of Lake Louise. I have been underwhelmed by professional images of that lake! Most mimick the typical view that tourists see, I guess because tourists are more likely to buy the photo book if they recognize a scene. Exquisite sharpness, good balance, even some implied movement of the canoe. The left hand edge is pretty dark, perhaps amenable to subtle dodging. Excellent lines of sight lead back to infinity at the base of Mt Victoria (all canoes point to infinity). The canoe up on the wharf is a minor distraction. Overall, an excellent image.


Eric Goldwasser   {K:4294} 10/20/2003
Hey John! Welcome to Usefilm!

You already know I love this one. Great shot and all that... Post more stuff please! :-)


Kara Yerex   {K:66} 10/20/2003


Mari Mar   {K:11469} 10/20/2003
Wonderful pic! congratulations, John!!!!




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