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Image Title:  Crap
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 By: John Myers  
  Copyright ©2002

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Photographer  John Myers {Karma:4308}
Project #1 Abstracts Camera Model Nikon N80
Categories Film Format
Portfolio Lens Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D
Uploaded 9/13/2002 Film / Memory Type Fuji Super HQ 200
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 753 Shutter 1/60
Favorites Aperture 6.7? maybe? i forget
Critiques 12 Rating Critique Only Image
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About OK. I realize I have some explaining to do with this shot. I realize Usefilm is all about uploading quality images, but I just can't skip past this one. You see, my camera has a multiple exposure setting on it, where when you press the shutter the film won't advance. I aimed at my blinds, deciding to use this fantastical doo-dad, but I didn't realize that I needed to turn a certain dial until it was too late. I took 20 pictures thinking they were all on one frame...I then looked at my frame counter...24. I had one more picture left. So with all the might in my fancy little brain, I wrote up an exquisite little message for the developers. And to top it all off, the developers did a terrible job with this those nasty white specks at the bottom? Yeah, that's from them. So I guess the lesson I want people to learn from this posting is that sometimes I can be intensely stupid. And other times only mildly. It really does vary on certain days of the week.
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There are 12 Comments in 1 Pages
Dwight Parker   {K:253} 7/10/2004
Ahh HAAA !!!! But then again another reason to go digital !!! (Bought a Mamiya-Secor 500 DTL 35mm SLR in 1973 for the preparation of the arrival of my first child... came home from the hospital the day of his birth with a filmless camera......) Kinda like playing air guitar, I guess....


John Myers   {K:4308} 1/19/2003
lol, you guys


Marc Gougenheim   {K:5398} 1/17/2003
I think the lighting could be better on this one... :-))))

But great idea. Just don't do it again... :-) Cheers


Terrence Kent   {K:7023} 1/16/2003
well, actually, no big loss - Fuji SuperHQ 200 is without a doubt the* worst film I've ever used, color negative or otherwise. The superia line is great stuff and for all i know SHQ100 is decent too, but SHQ200 - eeeeew. Grainy garbage @ 8x10, it's obscene. If you only print at 4x6, okee, but god help you if you want to enlarge the neg beyond that.


Vincent K. Tylor Vincent K. Tylor   {K:7863} 1/16/2003
10.... with emphasis!


John Myers   {K:4308} 1/16/2003
lol! a rating of 8...that's insane!

jeroen...HAHAHA. ahh...these stories make me laugh:)


Lisa Howeler   {K:3706} 1/16/2003
Wow, I just stumbled upon this one and am amazed it got such a high rating -- :-) I think I know why. We have all done included and man it is frusterating! cracks me up!


Jeroen Wenting   {K:25317} 10/29/2002
Ever started shooting something important only to realise after several hours that you had forgotten to load film?
Ever forgot to have your film pushprocessed when needed?
Ever meticulously labelled every can of film with date/time/location only to forget to label the envellopes for the lab with the same data?


Vincent K. Tylor Vincent K. Tylor   {K:7863} 9/14/2002
I too have been extremely careful with my gear. In fact when I placed it on the roof of my truck (so that I could get the rest of my gear out) I actually remember pushing it up so as to be level, not slanting at all so I thought. I guess pulling out the backpack and tripod shook it down somehow. I still do not know how exactly. First one, then the other. The only thing that broke was my Cokin P holder and Sunset filter (which I have more than one of anyway) Thank goodness, because I did catch one awesome sunset afterwards. Believe me John, if you shoot extensively, you will drop or bang it somewhere down the line. Hope not though!


John Myers   {K:4308} 9/14/2002
lol, guys that is too funny, and plain ol' sucks as well. 14 rolls? 6 rolls? yikes! well, i'm always extremely protective of my camera (and i mean extremely..) so i've never let it drop before:)...

becky...i was screaming "ARGHH" too:)


Becky V   {K:9699} 9/14/2002
How about deciding to take long (looooong) exposures throughout a hot, sunny August week? This "bright" idea (the result of someone who's never dabbled long exposures and an impractical brain that doesn't reason things out to a logical conculsion) led me to burn through 14 rolls of film. Literally.

Feel better now? *L*

P.S. - I love the tear on the paper from the scribble. It screams, "AAARRRRGGGHHHH!" more than words can convey. :p


Vincent K. Tylor Vincent K. Tylor   {K:7863} 9/13/2002
Have you opened your camera without rewinding the roll yet?? I have. Have you accidentally set the camera for ASA 6, when you had ASA 50 film?? They burn baby burn! Lost six wonderful rolls doing that. Two weeks ago BOTH of my cameras fell from the top of my pickup truck to the asphalt. Ever had that happen yet?? I almost cried, yet remarkably the both still worked. That is Nikon for you. The N-80 is not built like the F-5 and F-100. You can drive nails with the F-5. Anyway, I hope you do not feel too bad any longer. Anybody else care to share their bad day stories?? Go ahead, make my day!




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