Not to be confused with Ilford, this was taken at Tilford Gardens in North Vancouver. This is my first crack at infrared. Almost every photo in my first roll is overexposed a bit, but I'm not sure if it's because the cannister was exposed to daylight or if I wasn't exposing the photo properly. Probably both. Any thoughts and/or tips from IR shooters are most welcome. :)
Thanks for the tip, Howard. You certainly have some beautiful IR shots and I'll check them out when I have more time. :)
I've seen Chris and James' work on this site before and I'd love to get similar results, but perhaps I should perfect my IR shooting with the slightly cheaper B&W film before I move on to colour. In the spring, when the foliage returns, I'm definitely getting back on the horse!
Take a look at the comments of Chris M and James Langford on this site. I have posted a few also, including 1 color IR. All of mine are digital, but the monochromes are not worked over much in PS except for increasing contrast and sometimes sharpness. The color one is heavily worked over, however.
I've heard that Kodak HIE is grainy... I was browsing the IR category here and reading some comments... it's supposed to be one of the more grainy IR films, although still considered one of the better ones. Maybe try looking at some images that you like and writing the people and asking how they got such smooth looking images?
I'm now very torn between the original and the crop. I like the lines created by the shadows on the ground in the original (which, btw, has already been cropped!) but have to admit that your crop makes for a less overwhelming photograph. I just don't know! Perhaps others could weigh in with an opinion or two . . . ? *blink, blink*
Lots of trials and tribulations with my first roll of IR. But I suppose it could have been worse. I just wish I knew why all the photos are so grainy . . .
Hey! Your IR film worked! Sure, you had to work the heck out of it to make it look like this, but think of how much more you know for next time! This image has some great lines and interesting textures. I especially like the door at the end of the white tunnel... adds a little mystery and makes me think of Secret Garden. Although I think that the shadow outlines in the foreground are neat, I don't really think that they work here, as they are so bright they detract from the effect of the IR film in the upper half of the image. Cropping into a square image cleans it up and leaving just a little of the shadow mimics the lines in the top. I've included a sample of what I'm thinking about... Still, I'm super excited about this shot, and hearing your trials and tribulations with IR film.