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orange poppy
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Image Title:  orange poppy
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 By: Ursula I Abresch  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  Ursula I Abresch {Karma:6515}
Project #2 The Creative Flower Camera Model Olympus C5050Z
Categories Macro
Film Format
Portfolio Lens --
Uploaded 10/7/2003 Film / Memory Type digital
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 402 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/0
Critiques 20 Rating
/ 16 Ratings
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Ursula I




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There are 20 Comments in 1 Pages
Hanna Segal Hanna Segal   {K:13469} 11/30/2003
That's some humungus poppy! Or so it looks with the light inside and taken from this angle. I could take shelter underneath. Look at the tiny little hairs on the stem! Was it done for Remembrance day?


Naty Z   {K:16436} 10/12/2003
stunning lighting, i love it!!


xy x   {K:41915} 10/10/2003
perfect view and macro, excellent lighting, splendid job, congrats


PK- Photos PK- Photos   {K:13099} 10/10/2003
Ursula, your Macro-images are always so beautiful, my compliments!
best regards, Pia :)


Jim McNitt   {K:11246} 10/9/2003
A stunning shot, Ursula. The perspective is incredibly original and the strong backlight not only emphasizes the strangeness of the stem, but turns the petals into an almost tent-like translucent structure. Magnificent! --Jim


Mr. Arrey   {K:11516} 10/8/2003
Great lightening and very nce composition. Well done!


MaryBell    {K:32791} 10/8/2003

lovely - there isn't much more to say...if you haven't seen Marion Luijten's portfolio it might interest you - she isn't around much anymore but she does a great deal of this type of floral.



Kaj Nielsen   {K:15279} 10/8/2003
Splendid Macro work............regards Kaj Nielsen


B:)liana    {K:30945} 10/7/2003
Oh, dear I did understand you as you put it. even if the english is not my mother tounge, but as you I feel very comfortable writing it as I speak, maybe this is my only mistake in ENglish, but I like it. my personal interpretation of my language expression. saying just the right words, without any double duplicity. loving the expression of the word. before I shoot, I first draw and then I wrote. a lot. So, I think that you are a very serious woman, even If I dont know you, and as you are very serious, I did put it maybe to serious for you. and I didnot justify myself in front of you, I was just saying that I am like that. Ensecure in my PhotoArt, and that by this seriousness I wanted to show you that I appreciate very much your comments, cause I just adore you photography, enjoying each time by the beauty of your creative and imaginative mind, as a person and a woman I respect you and find my PhotoArt a little bit under your photography. but that is NOW only my problem. And I thank you for being MY FRIEND and for all your support, cause I like also what you do.
Thank you for your Admiration,
YOur truly admiror, Biliana
P.S. I hope that we understand each other very well NOW ! lol..
I hate when I am serious.. uf.. sorry Ursula. sometimes I just overLap. but NOw, I know that you WILL and ARE understanding me.Hm, obviously, sometimes I am over=exagerating. Upss. ;-)
Have a great journey. My Friend.
Bilian a


B:)liana    {K:30945} 10/7/2003
Wow.. hairs on the flower. wow.. good details. Love it. very refreshing and unusual. pleasent to my eye. I fill good looking this close-up. nice work.
FOr my photo, why cannt you believe there is no PS work? I am always sincere and honest with my work, cause would like to express myself the best way I can. and to be different! There is only some ACDSee autocontrast. and that is all. it emerge in front of me as I represented you, I was the one choosing the best forms and colors I can see through my monitor of my digital camera. and I love it, cause it is digital. an digital abstract. nothing more. nothing less. Just as it is the gel candle melting in front of my eyes under a lamp. I dont know if you would like it? that is my problem. But I LOVE IT!
And I am glad You like it TOO, cause I cannot either believe that it is like that, without PS work, and that is why I am kind of proud of it. but still dont know.
But happy with your sincere comment. and knowing that I am on my right path. or not yet.
Uf. upsssssss.. sorry dear Ursula, I did overreacted. and I did ennoying sometimes. Sorry.
Thank You, but I just feeled that I have to answer you like this with no harm. ;-)
Kisses and Hugs,
Your friend, BIliana


Ragnhildur Ragnars   {K:1573} 10/7/2003
Great macro shot. Beautiful colours.


- simos -   {K:9354} 10/7/2003
Just Beautiful...........regards, simo


ellen    {K:669} 10/7/2003
WOW, Ursula, oh so beautiful!


Tomo Radovanovic   {K:12788} 10/7/2003
excellent shot
beautiful image


Haleh B   {K:3741} 10/7/2003
Great details and wonderful colors. What a great image!


Amna Al Shamsi   {K:21795} 10/7/2003
Excellent use of light....great macro.


Rawabi Al-Nuaimi   {K:15659} 10/7/2003
very creative! great colors and SPLENDID lighting :)


Gregory Fiedler   {K:15439} 10/7/2003
Ursula! What a creative macro! It is beautiful in light, texture and detail. Desk lamp, plenty cool I would say! So very, very nice! congrats!


Chris Nichols   {K:7068} 10/7/2003
Gorgeous color! Fascinating work!


Teunis Haveman Teunis Haveman   {K:53426} 10/7/2003
Ursula, beautiful colours and lighting
Regards Teunis




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