Maja Gligoric
{K:13528} 10/6/2003
Are you kidding about title of this picture?Idyll?All that smoke made idyll?
Great captured!
Ana Vianna
{K:15270} 10/6/2003
Very strong!!! Great work! Regards!
Margaret S.
{K:201} 10/6/2003
You have managed to make industrialization and pollution look romantic!
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 10/6/2003
sebbene io non ami le fabbriche...devo riconoscere che un tramonto come questo riesce a spazzare via tutto il brutto che c'è in loro ---- although I don't love the factories... I have to recognize that a sunset as this succeeds in sweeping away everything the ugly that there is them.
Kaj Nielsen
{K:15279} 10/6/2003
EXCELLENT light in foto, beautiful color, the foto is excellent compoced. regards kaj Nielsen
{K:15913} 10/6/2003
good work! Congrats!
ken krishnan
{K:19102} 10/6/2003
Thats wonderful capture. Well done.
{K:669} 10/6/2003
Excellent industrial landscape, Ama!
sami said
{K:712} 10/6/2003
strong image
Ray Witter
{K:6149} 10/6/2003
I have to admit that this is an excellent image, even if i don't particulary care for the subject matter. Good Work!!