Alan Orr
{K:9671} 12/3/2003
Concerning the controversy. Amancio is a fine photographer, and I dont think he tried to mislead anyone here. Im sure what he meant was, there was a vision of the face in the sky, and he simply tried to bring that out more in the photo for the viewer. The face features were not added by editing, but rather tweaked, and unfortunately the wrong choice of words.
Jorge Vasconcelos
{K:33746} 12/1/2003
Excelente,muito belo,bom sentido estético para apanhar este especial momento. Abraço amigo, jorge
Khoi Nguyen
{K:8700} 11/29/2003
Dear Amancio, this is indeed a superly fantastic capture of nature! Yes, I do see a face with curious eyes looking at you, the photographer :) Excellent image and goes to my favorites as well. Thanks very much for your kind words on my work. You are an excellent artist yourself and I indeed admire your artistry. Have a wonderful day. Hug.
kathleen fonseca
{K:11992} 11/21/2003
Amancio, thanks..:))))
kathleen fonseca
{K:11992} 11/20/2003
Amancio, it has nothing to do with liking or not liking your work but in your integrity as a photographer. This is what you said: "100% natural and 0% ajustments on pc - Such as i saw, such as i do.". And that just isn't true. People here would like this image whether it was retouched or not. Most members of UF don't care about that. What is wrong is that for some reason you chose to misrepresent the facts of your postprocessing work to us. The image might be impressive, the lie is not.
Amancio Couto
{K:15720} 11/20/2003
To: Kathleen Fonseca; - Your provoke my self! If your,s dont like, dont apreciate my work. Thats it!...so easy!... Good bye!!!
kathleen fonseca
{K:11992} 11/20/2003
someone sent me to this image and i have to say, Amancio, you should be ashamed of yourself. If you want to take an image, create an effect in Photoshop and then submit it here, then fine..but to make the statement that there was no retouching when that's a complete lie simply distorts the truth, trashes your integrity and makes the rest of us laugh out loud. i was confused by Simo's image and then your image again so i saved this original myself, checked out levels and this is the result. How could you do such a thing?
Craig Garland
{K:27077} 10/25/2003
Amancio; great seeing and take-- looks like a big black rabid wolf-- and congrats on its high Ranking a cool picture. Great take. Cheers. Craig
Claudio Guzman
{K:147} 10/19/2003
very original and interesting capture. saludos
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 10/16/2003
How much fun. A reminder to keep our eyes open!
Harlan Heald
{K:15732} 10/13/2003
Excellent capture! Dramatic image! A sky demon? Congratulations on such fine work!!!
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 10/12/2003
100% the best sky ever seen! The super! I my God! Personaly, I believe you that this is real however....real or not I must say a BIG congratulation for this one!
Armando Jorge
{K:7937} 10/7/2003
Interesssante composição !! Excelente trabalho !! Um abraço...
Alberto Agnoletti
{K:12811} 10/7/2003
Very drammatic shot!!!!
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 10/7/2003
a lot impressive!!
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 10/6/2003
Cool "face" and interesting shot! Although, it confused me with all the retouchings that could be seen even without Simos lightening of the shot. But the second one you put up looks very good and natural! Good spotting, very mystical and spooky!
Zé Ovo
{K:7579} 10/6/2003
Realmente um trabalho admiravel! Sem dúvida um grande senso de oportunidade! Parabéns Amancio!
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 10/6/2003
bem original caríssimo! cumprimentos.
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 10/6/2003
portraying the devil may be easier :)
Lorita Damas
{K:1035} 10/6/2003
Que foto `e esta? Parece um monstro vindo doutro mundo. Oh God! Como a natureza e o ceu nos surpreende com cenas como esta. Grande foto esta. Parabens
Joao Vasconcelos
{K:2163} 10/6/2003
Foto muito misteriosa! Interessante! Um abraço
Marcos Silva
{K:709} 10/6/2003
Grande momento!!!
Geza Farkas
{K:12412} 10/6/2003
Amazing shot. Congratulation.
Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 10/6/2003
excellent abstract
Amancio Couto
{K:15720} 10/6/2003
...the differences our the truth?...
Amancio Couto
{K:15720} 10/6/2003
Jose Rasquinho
{K:12128} 10/6/2003
Parabéns Amâncio, trabalho de mestre! A beleza da natureza é inorme e existe por toda a parte; nós só temos que saber olhar para ela ( e saber registá-la, como foi o caso). Um abraço.
Jorge Americo
{K:1075} 10/6/2003
Amazing work! but it,s real?...so, then it,s a excellent shot!! Parabens sr Couto. Acredito que esta cena nas nuvens foi real. Na verdade a natureza da-nos tudo se olharmos com olhos de ver. Tantas maravilhas que tenho visto no Ceu e na Terra. E quem sabe, sabe.
- simos -
{K:9354} 10/6/2003
Ok....I understand, It?s quite good, Abstract work ;-) regards, simo
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 10/6/2003
Bom sentido de oportunidade, excelente.
{K:16195} 10/5/2003
Beautiful abstracts. Vey nice colours and conception. Regards, Hayri.
Marcio Santos
{K:1451} 10/5/2003
I told him (Simo) the TRUTH...............thanks for the send me the photo.
Marcio Santos
{K:1451} 10/5/2003
Amancio, i tell him the truth.
Marcio Santos
{K:1451} 10/5/2003
Muita gente pode nao acreditar. Mas eu ja vi uma vez , um dia ao olhar para o ceu, vi um rosto que parecia uma autentica pessoa. por isso nao me admira nada ao ver esta. Mas aqui parece o rosto de um cao, parece-me. Formidavel esta, Amancio. Nao te escapa nada. Muito interessante. Como a natureza nos oferece tantas maravilhas que muitas parecem mesmo misterio. Very good!!!!... Abraco
- simos -
{K:9354} 10/5/2003
Natural...???.... I thing you have clean your camera lens... ;-)) regards, simo
Daniel S. Garcia
{K:13946} 10/5/2003
Nature can provide some scary images. Great capture!
melik iscan
{K:907} 10/5/2003
very nice capture,best regards
Jose Marques
{K:473} 10/5/2003
Espantosa foto. Parece o focinho de um animal. Grande foto.
Joao Morais
{K:1600} 10/5/2003
EXELLENT MOMEMT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Grande sentido de oportunidade!!!!!!!! Confesso que pensei que seria mesmo uma pintura abstrata, quando vi em ponto pequeno. Meu caro amigo A.Couto, isto sinceramente `e um espectaculo. Voce teve sorte alem de estar atento. De qualquer modo, acredito e noto que foi mesmo 100% natural. Formidavel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Grande disparo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PARABENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Frank Bob
{K:634} 10/5/2003
WOW!..........this is truth?....i can see a -?-below the jaw ?......this truth?....................???????????????????????? AMAZING!,,,,,,,,,great shottttttttttt!!!!!!
David Conti
{K:360} 10/5/2003
I cant belevied, this is fantastic. grandi foto .