Actually the bird is a yellow-billed hornbill and makes a call wounderfully described in Newmans bilds of southern africa as: wurk, wurk,wurk,wurk,wukwukak, wukwukak, wukak, wukak, wurk, wurk ...(unlike the red-billed hornbills call: wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, wha, kawacha, wacha, wacha, wacha, wacha ... ) ... its in the book, I promise! :) ?
As for the photo, I like the way the branch both frames the bild and at the same time creates a dynamic diagonal though the picture. Like the coulors as well :) Very nicely done :)
Strange bird. I ave never seen this one before. But he is beautiful! I like the composition a lot with the tree! Good job Christian! My best regards, Diana.