Terry McCully
{K:9221} 1/28/2004
Ken Draper
{K:700} 11/11/2003
I love this image in BW. Ive never seen this scene in anything but color. Youve given it that old time box camera feel with nice composition, depth and sharpness. Nice job. Ken
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 10/1/2003
Beautiful view! Very nicely composed and wonderful mood!
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 9/22/2003
Splendid black and white shot
gregory J. mclemore
{K:1810} 9/20/2003
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 9/20/2003
Hi Gregory! My friend, here the contrast is enouph to support the details of this long distance view. Pretty nice and surely great ''heavy'' sky!
pippo giuseppe
{K:16421} 9/20/2003
Very very great landscape!!Excellent tones!! Maria Grazia
Lucas Macedo
{K:12843} 9/19/2003
Excellent composition with great lighting and definition, Gregory! A beaultiful B&W view. Regards! ..... Lucas
Alex Uchōa
{K:18547} 9/18/2003
Beautiful BW work.
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 9/17/2003
Very nice composition and looks great in black and white. Don.
Shigeyuki Mohara
{K:4753} 9/17/2003
Very nice view and capture! Regards,Shige
Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 9/17/2003
nice point of view
{K:16195} 9/17/2003
Very nice b&w landscape. Regards, Hayri ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mark Beltran
{K:32612} 9/17/2003
This is an excellent vantage point. What a view. Now if someone could just break out the chainsaw and drop that palm tree........just kidding.
Kaj Nielsen
{K:15279} 9/17/2003
Good light and contrast, I like the compocition, but I would have tiltet it, look at the hoizont. Regards Kaj nielsen
Yutaka Itinose
{K:22586} 9/17/2003
Wonderful view! Good tone!
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 9/16/2003
Excellent b/w landscape! nice comp, detail! best regards!
Debra Griffin-Ibrahim
{K:7119} 9/16/2003
Beautiful!!! I really love the tonal range anc composition.
T Glow
{K:14955} 9/16/2003
Beautiful view!!!! great composition in B&W! Regards,T.