. .
{K:61} 10/4/2003
Beautiful picture and model. Great colors and light.
Chuck Freeman
{K:13616} 9/21/2003
MOst beautiful model and "stimulating photograph" nice color.
Matej Maceas
{K:24381} 9/19/2003
I like this image but for the crop. With the model's centralish placement in the image and the amount of free space on the right, it doesn't really make sense to me to crop off her legs the way they are cropped here. Somehow it doesn't look right.
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 9/10/2003
lovely done!!!!
{K:7957} 9/10/2003
Beautiful composition,and model.good shot ,Pawel.
Alan Orr
{K:9671} 9/10/2003
I had to look and see if you were the AGA guy, and you are. There are some lovely things in Poland. I like the color and lighting which is your style.
Rolf Rock
{K:2964} 9/10/2003
very good