Rui Filipe Rebelo Prego
{K:1213} 12/2/2003
Thank you very much Marcel, i have to check how to add my Photo to usefilm (I discovered it by searching in yahoo on canon G3 and infrared). I forgot to do a white balance, and I don't know which i used ... maybe it's why I got a red color cast, I done only Levels/Auto-Contrast/Small sharpening. I use a canon 10D usually, but i bough a old canon G3 with the hoya Filter mainly to try infrared, it was somthing I would liked to do with 35mm format, but it was quite difficult. I was thinking that the green parts would be very white (maybe it's due to the white balance too), here it's light greeny...
thank you again for your help, it really helped me to get a result.
Rui Felipe

Marcel Laurens
{K:3654} 12/1/2003
Your "first" IR Photo is GREAT!!! you should post it in the gallery for others to see!! I'm not too familiar with PS LE, but the steps you took on this image worked out perfectly!! Did you add a slight reddish tint to the sky?? Also the image is excellent. Great depth with the road and interesting building! i would put it into my favorites... To answer some of your questions, i shoot in color, highest quality .JPG format, and no exposure compensation in the camera. i change the image to B&W in PS....
I really love your photo!!! If you want you can e-mail me directly. check my portfolio for the email address.
Rui Filipe Rebelo Prego
{K:1213} 12/1/2003
Thank you very much for your comments Marcel, It helps a lot. I bough an old Canon G3 with the Hoya filter, here are my first try. Of course it's fall in Belgium and I don't have enough light or sun, I kept the false colors version, because I am not so happy in black and white, it's not so contrasted and I hoped for whiter values for the green parts. Did you shot in BW effect ? Did you use JPG or RAW ? did you change the exposition value ??? (+1EV or wathever). I am new to photoshop LE 5.0 (with the canon G3), and I didn't found the mix tool (for the colors), I found a replace color tool, is that one ? I done on this picture levels correction, auto contrast and sharpening (as you done). Thank you very much for your help Rui Felipe

Marcel Laurens
{K:3654} 11/19/2003
Not sure how else to respond to your comment (thanks by the way!) This shot has some PS work (contrast and mix channel red). I'm new to PS so I probably don't know all the terms. Anyway, the original image was not altered (no added clouds - nothing clone stamped out etc.) I have tried other IR images and simply applied an auto-levels correction and then changed to B&W. I also need to add unsharp mask to many images as well. Most of the exposure times are over 4 seconds. Hope this helps a bit... I have NOT been able to get a good IR picture with my new digital rebel. The lens aperature always applies a dark halo on the image. ?????? good thing i kept my G3!!!
Rui Filipe Rebelo Prego
{K:1213} 11/19/2003
Superb picture, can you give us more comment on you way of working with INFRARED (I will use a canon G3 with Hoya R72), Post processing (Only contrast ???), do you desaturate or mix channel.
Stuart Carroll
{K:87} 10/8/2003
I really love the balance between the dark clouds at the top and the road at the bottom. This is excellent.
Kelly C
{K:1358} 9/27/2003
Looks very multi-dimensional to me, whether it's the photo itself or the PS tinkering, nice job. I'm going to have to get one of these filters. Another great composition, Marcel, and the clouds are spectacular.
Robin McAulay
{K:8908} 9/11/2003
freaking amazing!
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 9/9/2003
Well, I don't think this one turned out flat at all!! The clouds and sky are a wonderful mixtures of darkness and light and the IR filter really made the trees have a life of their own. My one suggestion though, would to recompose to avoid the chunk of road that heads left... the lines are broken by this extra road converging onto the main road. Cropping could be an option as well, although I think you lose some important foreground that way. This makes me want to go out and buy some IR film! Fun!
Toni Petersen
{K:2404} 9/8/2003
Excellent work!!!
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 9/6/2003
Wonderful b/w. Excellent composition!
Kliton Ceku
{K:461} 9/5/2003
Pretty good job.
Nicole Inskip
{K:404} 9/5/2003
Amazing Capture!
Lexie Summers
{K:2027} 9/5/2003
Very nice work. IR is very interesting. The composition and perspective in this shot are just amazing. If your images are flat try simply shooting in brighter sun so that there is more contrast to start.
Paulo Carrasco
{K:-249} 9/5/2003
Wow! Love it!
lisa .
{K:9370} 9/5/2003
awwwww, look at u with your new toy!!!!!!!!! hahahahha, Marcel loves me dont u Marcel??.......i was here when he posted wild things so im allowed to play on his comments...isnt that right Marcel??
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 9/5/2003
Wonderfully dramatic B&W image, Marcel. Great shot! Regards, Chris.
Donna Johnson
{K:9906} 9/5/2003
Outstanding! Love the cloud cover which seems to be sinking toward the earth, the shrubby landscape, and the road which winds off to who knows where. Well, I know what filter I have to get next for my G3!
Toni Martin
{K:5092} 9/5/2003
Very well done! It just would not make it without the road.
Marco Maresca
{K:14418} 9/5/2003
splendid work!!
Alexi Keys
{K:27} 9/5/2003
Are you able to set custom parameters with your G3? Contrast, Sharpness, Saturation, and Color Tone. If so, it might help.
Marco Brivio
{K:14339} 9/5/2003
A surreal shot. In these situations, IR works greatly. Congrats, Marco
André Bermak
{K:14443} 9/5/2003
Ótima composição em P&B!!!!!
Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 9/5/2003
very good ir work