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Prairie Clouds
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Image Title:  Prairie Clouds
Favorites: 3 
 By: Dave Holland  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer Dave Holland  Dave Holland {Karma:13074}
Project N/A Camera Model Elan IIE
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio Abstract nature
Lens 28-70 2.8
Uploaded 9/5/2003 Film / Memory Type Velvia
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1112 Shutter n/r
Favorites Aperture n/r
Critiques 54 Rating
/ 37 Ratings
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There are 54 Comments in 1 Pages
Tony Quilty   {K:591} 9/3/2007
Amazing image Dave!


romek kubiak romek kubiak   {K:611} 1/3/2007
absolutly stunning image , we dont have clouds like this


painsama     {K:4902} 9/4/2005
The most interesting clouds I've ever seen. Great capture. Thanks for your comment on my picture.

Regards. ^_^


Jenni Alasuutari   {K:2120} 2/14/2004
Wonderfu, beautiful, exceptional! Great work Dave!


David Dias   {K:1347} 12/27/2003
Hey Dave,
Thanks for the comment. I think I'll pull the shot till I get a better way of duplicating it. I've looked at your pics and they are great. I really like this one. Great all around.


Tomasz Sarna   {K:1778} 12/25/2003
Beautiful sky, nice composition, good picture.
Regards Tom


Reinhold    {K:314} 11/13/2003
wirklich starke Idee, Lichtauf, RSk


Laurie J. Herndon   {K:5338} 11/6/2003
Only in the "Bible Belt" do you see such spectacular cumulus! WOW Gorgeous Cloud! Bet a tornado isn't far behind.... Bella


JL E JL E   {K:9693} 11/6/2003
excellent photo. I like it so much!


Roger Cotgreave   {K:15892} 11/4/2003
what a great cloud... I have one very similar there must me a certain name for this formation..good capture, regards roger


Stian Wiik   {K:1516} 10/28/2003
what an amazing scene!!


Richard Marriner   {K:6657} 10/26/2003
Wow, very other-worldly cloud formation! The Velvia and filter have also given this a punch (not sure what PS was done if any). I can understand what some have said about the tilt, but "correcting" it might also look a bit odd given that it's a natural hill-slope.

- I very much agree with your recent comment regarding "criticism and how to accept it" that you left on that person's deleted photo. Some people just miss the whole point of this site... (and are rude in the process)


Mike Frakes   {K:3349} 9/22/2003
The polarizer causes that dark blue at the top right of your shot (which works for this one, but my ones tend to suffer a bit, I haven't yet tried tungsten based film, is there any other way to reduce the effect?


Dave Holland Dave Holland   {K:13074} 9/8/2003
Thankyou everyone, many of whom took the time to make thoughtful comment. I am flattered and surprised at how much attention this particular image recieved.

As I was driving my truck to a dog-run, I saw those clouds and had to stop. I wanted to get rid of the telephone poles, but I also had a contrary desire to have something interesting in the foreground. It is very difficult to find a position on the prairies where you don't have a few telephone poles captured by a 28mm lens. With only minutes before clouds and light would change, I had to work fast. I wanted a house or a tree to punctuate the foreground, but none was available. So I decided to embrace the telephone poles, as prairie sky and structure embrace each other.

Thankyou to those of you who pointed out the tilting poles. In retrospect I agree that the image looks tipped. The horizon naturally tilts that way, on a hill. Much of the apparent tilt is a 'keystone effect' from the wide angle lens being tipped up to take in the sky. Nevertheless I think it will partially correct on disc.

I neglected to mention that I used a two stop ND grad filter to preserve detail in the foreground. Unfortunately, with that plus the polarizer, I lost detail in the upper right. It is there on the slide but I don't have the photoshop skills to mask that area specifically. Cheers.


Kim Culbert   {K:37070} 9/8/2003
Beautiful colours and great use of lines... I love how the powerlines guide you into the scene and then the cloud overwhelms you! The sky has gone almost black from the polariser though, and I find it's an empty abyss up there because of it. Have you tried recovering any colour up there?
Gorgeous light, and great framing on this entire scene!


Hugo Pierre   {K:15692} 9/5/2003
Stunning image! Very, very well done. Bravo!


Joao Morais   {K:1600} 9/5/2003
Beautiful Scenery!!!!!!!!


Ronny Van Eeckhoutte   {K:12734} 9/5/2003
Sharp and colorful with an interesting composition. Well done.


ken krishnan   {K:19102} 9/5/2003
Spectacular cloud. I would have taken it on its own and avoiding the wires. Still a great shot.


Marcio Santos   {K:1451} 9/5/2003


Kala Wlodarczyk   {K:2567} 9/5/2003
fiu fiu :)


André Bermak André Bermak   {K:14443} 9/5/2003
Fantástica captura,excelente composição......


Ingrid Mathews   {K:7277} 9/5/2003
Absolutely fantastic! To me it looks like the profile of a face. The polarizing filter enhances the cloud perfectly. First-rate all around.


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 9/5/2003
Great photo.. too bad the telephone/power poles were there.. but love the road and of course the cloud :)


Kaj Nielsen   {K:15279} 9/5/2003
WOOOOOOOOOOW BEAUTIFUL foto....I would have tilt it a bit to right,.............regards Kaj Nielsen


B:)liana    {K:30945} 9/5/2003
Excellent texture of the clouds. Mervellous photograph. bravo. congratulations.


Terry McCully   {K:9221} 9/5/2003
WOW... what a great find here!!!


Marzia Carrada   {K:3225} 9/5/2003
Molto bella!


Nicola Vassallo   {K:9801} 9/5/2003
eidentemente ritoccata ma evidentemente bellissima. che cielo incredibile!!!! bella bella bella.


Günter Koth   {K:13841} 9/5/2003
Fantastic sky. Great light and vibrant colors. You got the right moment, Dave. Congrats.


Paolo De Maio   {K:34932} 9/5/2003
My best compliments



Andrea Ranalli   {K:485} 9/5/2003
Very good, I think you just have to correct the tilted horizon to have a really great shot


Geraldo Monteiro   {K:2546} 9/5/2003
Fantástica nuvem. Cores maravilhosas


Magdy Aly   {K:3686} 9/5/2003


Marek Waskiel   {K:190} 9/5/2003
yes it is great skay,


NN  NN     {K:26787} 9/5/2003
Awesome clouds; thanks for sharing!


Tomo Radovanovic   {K:12788} 9/5/2003
great photo


Finn Kristensen   {K:1230} 9/5/2003
Amazing cloud formation, i never saw anything like this before, you composed this one real BEAUTIFUL, the colours are very vibrant and the composition is super, but i guess you need to straighten the poles ect. Best Regards


Teunis Haveman Teunis Haveman   {K:53426} 9/5/2003
Beautiful color


Francesco Martini   {K:12249} 9/5/2003
Splendid sky..!!


Quantummeter . Quantummeter .   {K:2870} 9/5/2003
Excellent shoot. The photo is not only the clouds, composition and lightning are perfects.


Diamantino Mendes   {K:12959} 9/5/2003
WOW great sky, fantastic atmosphere and perspective.
Congrats Dave and regards!


Amancio Couto   {K:15720} 9/5/2003
Excellent shot!!! Wonderful!!!Congrats Dave!


Marco Brivio Marco Brivio   {K:14339} 9/5/2003
Great example of beautiful scenery. I am not so sure that here the poalrizing filter has added value to the situation (the upper right corner is unpleasantly dark)


ersin ipek   {K:7} 9/5/2003
this gentleman cloud seems have a hard break to allow a pedestrian to pass the road:) nice and lucky capture. congrats.


Darrin James   {K:3944} 9/5/2003
I can see a face in this so clearly making it very interesting. The lines work well and was going to comment on the angle but I can see from the road this is how it actually is. Great colours! Thanks for the info about the lens, hope the insomnia is OK!


pippo giuseppe   {K:16421} 9/5/2003
Spectacular image!! Grandiosità of panoramic view with one simply extraordinary cloud formation!!The horizon hangs too much on the left!! Hello Maria Grace


lidian neeleman   {K:6700} 9/5/2003


Scott Thorp   {K:159} 9/5/2003
Nice cloud formation and colors, but you need to straighten out your horizon


Fabio Keiner   {K:81109} 9/5/2003


Yutaka Itinose Yutaka Itinose   {K:22586} 9/5/2003
Oh! Prairie! Great image! Very thanks good and kind letter about my lunch


Aleksandra Zvonar   {K:4623} 9/5/2003
that's a one crazy cloud!:)


Michael Holm   {K:7931} 9/5/2003
Beautiful image, very nice colors, great coposition... and one pissed off looking cloud....


luisa vassallo luisa vassallo   {K:28230} 9/5/2003
wow! Great sky!




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