SarahM none
{K:7836} 8/24/2003
This is a beutiful photo and I agree that the colors are lovely. The filter was an excellent choice. I don't know Canon's very well, but I suspect that you scanned this? That might be where the darkening is coming from on both the left and the right. The capture of the water crashing is another fine element of this image. Good job!
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 8/24/2003
The colors make this shot for me, the green water looks very dramatic and is a great complement to the waves crashing onto the rocks. I might have cropped off the left fourth to. Also some darkening on the right hand side, what might that be?
Robson Zumkeller Campos
{K:4071} 8/22/2003
Great capture, very beautiful shot!
Bikramadittya G. Roy
{K:7202} 8/22/2003
Magic moment capture! Regards.
Ahmed Fawzy
{K:3288} 8/22/2003
very good photo. Excllent..:)
Jani Salvataggio
{K:27283} 8/22/2003
wonderful!!!!!! regards!