Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 7/30/2003
The mom son anxiety is natural. It is born but my sons before 10 years ago it died in accident. It is an intention of god. The mind which it worries it agrees enough. The God to protect, well! all.
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 7/30/2003
Very nice interiour shot Robert,the warm colors are impressve once again
Judy Fontenot
{K:524} 7/28/2003
You have captured my heart and have opened up a new channel in your world . Thank you kindly for the photo and I can relate to all very well . Happy that you took the time .
John Chiu
{K:6250} 7/28/2003
Warm colour, great details. Very well captured.
Marcio Cabral
{K:12496} 7/28/2003
Excellent colora and detail Robert!! regards!!
Cedric Sims
{K:3259} 7/28/2003
Nice color, tones & good detail.
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 7/28/2003
Great Robert, we treated the same theme, what a coincidence! Your photo (very good colors and resolution) and especially your comment express well what one feels in a church. Even I'm not Catholic, however I like to enter a church and remain to think... and to take photos too! Bye Max
Alex Uchôa
{K:18547} 7/28/2003
WOW, great photo. Loved the warm tones and the precision composition choosed to the photo. Very well done, Robert. Regards, Alex.
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 7/28/2003
Well obert, I think something about the art as you say. Art is everythink. Not only a paint but also our land is a artwork of God. Building is art, everything is art. Also art is that a photographer can take with one shot that his eyes see and make a photo. It is art because he use a point of view on the object. So you (and I and everyone) can take photos from everything that it makes us impresed. So you did right here. And I watch something very good in your 2D photo... a 3D idea at some parts. Friendly, JH.
Benedetto Riba
{K:15792} 7/28/2003
Hi Robert, great atmosphere, very good the light and accordingly the colors!! Very well performed.!!! A dear regard
Gregory Fiedler
{K:15439} 7/28/2003
Robert, A beautiful image, captured the marvelous colors and scene quite well. It is a fine photo. Not being extremly religous, though raised catholic, there is a certain amount of spirituallity in an enviroment as this, a humbelness. The photo, and your feelings, It is good my friend.
Masahiko Shibata
{K:14107} 7/28/2003
Beautiful colors and nice detail.Excellent.
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 7/27/2003
A powerful capture, well done, Robert.
T Glow
{K:14955} 7/27/2003
excellent work.. emotive. Great details. Regards,T.
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 7/27/2003
It is a church scenery which I like most. It is beautiful too much. It is grateful.
Joksa Juoperi
{K:13473} 7/27/2003
Excellent! Great details and colours. Regards, Joksa.