Titus Powell
{K:1731} 9/13/2003
WOW! This is incredible... powerful, expressive, and a bunch of other superlatives. Masterfully done!
Jim McNitt
{K:11246} 8/22/2003
Hi Kita:
I'm not exactly clear on your question, but I'll try to explain a bit of the history of this image. Basically, it'sj ust two separate layers that have been composited, or blended (in normal mode, as I recall) in PS using a layer mask.
The first image is a statue located in the Pere La Chaise cemetary in Paris which is perhaps best known to Americans as the site of Jim Morrison's grave. It's also the resting place a regular for a regular who's who of European cultural giants such as Victor Hugo, Oscar Wilde, Alexander Dumas and many, many others. I chose this particular statue because of the emotional power it had over me when I happened across it.
The background was created in PS by using various third-party, filters including Flaming Pear Glitterado, to create a universe with stars, nubulae, and gas clouds. I then all but obscured the universe layer with lightening -- I tried a couple of different filters for this and, I think, it was Eye Candy which worked best, but I could be wrong on that. In any event, I was attempting to come up with something that visually represented the sensation of having your universe litterally shattered to pieces by an untimely death.
Finally, I composited the two images taking care NOT to be overly careful with the layer masking. I thought a few rough spots would convey more in the way of genuine emotion than something that was meticulously selected and masked.
There really was no desire to be abstract. I intended both the "grief" statue and the backgound to be fully representational and to communicate on a visceral, emotional level rather than a more abstract symbolic level.
Hope that answers your question. If not, let me know and I'll try again.
kita mcintosh
{K:18594} 8/21/2003
love this for a whole lot of reasons which would not be appropriate to divulge here and now.(in my fav) However, I was interested in your comment and thanx. Could you explain a bit more what u mean? Do you mean superimposing abstracts with non abstracts etc? generally superimposing images? thanx for your time.
Onur Aydin
{K:9815} 7/31/2003
Spectacular work once again !
Yutaka Itinose
{K:22586} 7/28/2003
Very impressive and the object is clear! Good mourning.
Craig Garland
{K:27077} 7/27/2003
Jim; you've got be the photoart master-- wish I had 5% of your talent and skills! This is a dramatic, dynamic creation, and does speak to grief, but I also see pain, anguish, regret, remorse-- lots of negative "stuff". All the electricity popping around the woman is surreal but looks painful, and of course the pose, color and overall tone of the photo adds to the Grief effect. Incredible and disturbing work. Craig
Rhonda Prince
{K:17687} 7/26/2003
Yes, that is exactly what grief feels like. Great photoart!
Richard Blount
{K:8015} 7/26/2003
This is incredible Jim, it really does portray grief and I can feel it too from looking at this image, a very fine tribute to a dear friend - Richard.
In Transit
{K:29432} 7/25/2003
Mr. McNitt... speachless...!!!
K Sveidq
{K:764} 7/25/2003
The image lives up to the title. You have captured the emotion, the desperate grief you feel when your sorrow is raging and not the slow grief that replaces it.
Great work.
Terry McCully
{K:9221} 7/25/2003
Nice work Jim..Blue seems to be your theme lately...I like them!
{K:32791} 7/25/2003
this is a tremendous rendering of the intensity of grief...
Rui Leitão
{K:6321} 7/25/2003
Very nice, Jim!
Marion Luijten
{K:6141} 7/25/2003
Jim, I have no words for it...exept it moves me deeply. thank you for sharing, Marion
peta jones
{K:12615} 7/25/2003
One of the first images I ever saw of yours Jim. It always has impressed me both as a wonderfully wrought image and an amazing tribute to your friend.
lowell whipple girbes
{K:13151} 7/25/2003
so expresive me like it
{K:2994} 7/25/2003
death (sorry)
{K:2994} 7/25/2003
A wonderful image to say to a friend that dead is only a temporary physical separation...