Mafalda Machado
{K:835} 11/11/2003
{K:869} 7/29/2003
tu andas aí! tou-te a ver...
ganda foto!
anabela oliveira
{K:514} 7/22/2003
:) yes Toni, you are rigth
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 7/22/2003
Marcin Gorski
{K:12388} 7/21/2003
Tiro Leander
{K:19060} 7/21/2003
Vigelandsparken=Frognerparken, it's the same :-)). A very good shot from a place i visit so often, and never has seen with your eyes. Excellent
j w
{K:12641} 7/21/2003
Fabulous! Great tones and textures, but what makes this one sing is the vantage point you chose to shoot it from. Just wonderful -- and the background figure gawking at them makes it even better. Nice work, and into my favorites!
zosia zija
{K:11106} 7/21/2003
lowell whipple girbes
{K:13151} 7/21/2003
great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tony Smallman
{K:23858} 7/21/2003
Superb photo for all the reasons already given.It's a pity you haven't given us any technical details about this this image-not even what kind of film or camera that was used or if this was a colour shot later changed to B/W in photoshop or .......anything!
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 7/21/2003
anabela oliveira
{K:514} 7/21/2003
no, Katherine, this is in the Vigeland Park, Oslo.
e... i have made great effort to frame that figure ;)
João Figueiredo
{K:7674} 7/21/2003
Katherine Hagen
{K:2359} 7/21/2003
Is this from Frogner Park? I am guessing it is by the shape of the people and the life like quality of their interaction. This is beautifully expressed in black and white. I would have liked the other figure in the background cloned out...not to interfere with the relationship between the two sculptures. Love expressed in stone seems almost an oximoron yet here it is tangible. Lovely the way the sky mirrors the granite of the sculptures. Nicely done!
José Lins
{K:1544} 7/21/2003
Perfect composition. You have the eye. Congrats
Robson Zumkeller Campos
{K:4071} 7/21/2003
its so beautiful!! congrats!
atilla van
{K:254} 7/21/2003
maybe the title could be "jealousy man"? This is really a shot that gives high emotional appeal... Regards atilla
Mark Beltran
{K:32612} 7/21/2003
Just beautiful. This is photographic art at the highest levels. The composition is impeccable. I just love the tone, the contrast, the range. This is one of my favorites.
Dubravko Grakalic
{K:25235} 7/21/2003
perfect tones, composition and atmosphere