Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 11/28/2003
wowwwwwwww.. fantastic!! I put her among mine preferred!!
Aleksandra Zvonar
{K:4623} 10/7/2003
oh excellent! And I like the color:) I know what you mean about having 5 good shots out of a hundred:) Check out my portfolio , i took some water shots-it's a lot of fun.
Joksa Juoperi
{K:13473} 10/7/2003
Excellent motion capture. Regards, Joksa.
Ste Mc
{K:2021} 8/1/2003
Thank you to everyone for your comments.
To José: I would have posted the other ones, but they were too similar to this one, so I'd rather do something a bit different so I can post them instead. But if you want me to upload any of the other images to my web space, then email me and I'll do it (ste@sm9.co.uk).
To Subha: I did have my camera in Macro mode, but that's because I had the camera about 12-15 inches away from the droplet - I had it this close due to the poor light. If you want to try something yourself, then you don't need macro mode if you have better lighting (and don't want to risk getting your camera wet!), let me know if you come up with anything!
To Nancy: Yes, it did take quite a lot of attempts! Although the first 30-40 shots were taken in poor lighting, so that's why they weren't very good. Once I added in a desk lamp for additional lighting, I had much more success, but of course, it was still a tricky thing to capture. The red colouring on the droplet is a reflection of my red football shirt! ;-)
To Hermen: The explanation is no problems, I get quite a lot of help from websites like this, so it's only fair if I try and share anything that I do, thanks.
To Maura: Thank you for the tips and techniques. I've looked at the droplet photos in your portfolio and they are great! I will be looking forwarded to trying some of your ideas out, thanks!
To Pete: Yes, it was certainly a test of patience! I'm normally a very impatient person, but I will have to persevere more in the future!
Geza Farkas
{K:12412} 7/28/2003
Wow, I miss that beautiful shot. It looks unreal almost like crown.
Onur Aydin
{K:9815} 7/20/2003
Wonderful water experience :)
Marusnik Bela
{K:11611} 7/20/2003
Excellent shot, great work!Incredible macro!Congrats!
Rodney Glover
{K:460} 7/19/2003
I am always a sucker for this type of shot. Well done.
Pete Pantsari
{K:4196} 7/18/2003
Patience and persistance are important in photography, and they do pay off occasionally, like this exceptional capture. The clarity and sharpness are excellent, and the composition and color are very nice as well. Very nicely done. Regards.
maura faessen
{K:237} 7/18/2003
Hi Stephen, this is a cool shot:) I made lots of them....but used another technique. I also used a bowl and put it under a dripping tap. For the colors I use staind glass.The camera placed on a tripod. I use a ruler or something else to focus on the spot the drop will fall.And than it is a gamble to push the button on the right moment and like you said not one is the same:)
Ana Vianna
{K:15270} 7/18/2003
Excellent!!! I like too much water's picture. Excellent work!
Kaj Nielsen
{K:15279} 7/18/2003
Excellent work........regards Kaj Nielsen
Hermen Pen
{K:9168} 7/18/2003
A very nice result, your perseverance was rewarded! Thanks for your comprehensive explanation, I appreciate that very much.
Benedetto Riba
{K:15792} 7/18/2003
Hi Stephen, a perfect release under all the views.!!! Congrats. Regards
Nancy B Brannaman
{K:445} 7/18/2003
Good job, Steve. Beautiful photo and nice to learn that it takes so many attempts to get a good photo like this. The color (including the red under the droplet on top), and the positioning is great.
Carlos Brando
{K:4637} 7/18/2003
excelente splash foto... parabéns mesmo
Subha Pindiproli
{K:10108} 7/18/2003
could you explain to me if this was a macro shot.. definately this is something i would like to try it out myself in the near future..
José Eduardo Cruz
{K:13180} 7/18/2003
Excellent!!! I would like to see the other ones.
Samvise Gamgee
{K:1999} 7/18/2003
non c'è bisogno di aggiungere altro, questa foto parla da sola! complimenti.