Eddie Bayliss
{K:2130} 2/19/2004
Great atmosphere!Excellent...very well done.......
Best regards Eddie
Anouschka Rokebrand
{K:6470} 10/19/2003
Beautiful lighting!
Mark Beltran
{K:32612} 10/5/2003
Beautiful scenery. I think it would even be better if you deleted the foreground and just concentrated on the sea and the mountains.
Burak A
{K:2022} 9/16/2003
cok guzel fotograf tebrikler,san?r?m dagcilik ile ilgileniyorsun,bende de biraz merak var ama araya oss illeti girdi iste,universiteyi kazanlim orda devam ederiz umarim.. neyse basarilar sana :)
ventrix drogo
{K:65398} 7/20/2003
Very nice shot. Good ligth. Bye
{K:137} 7/10/2003
Cok cok guzel bir fotograf olmus,sanirim Antalya.Side fotografim icin kullandigim makineyi sormussunuz.Sony DSC-F717 kullaniyorum.Selamlar.
Peppino Bonu
{K:7607} 7/7/2003
Beautiful composition. I really confess you that I usually prefer warmer colours in this kind of pictures (sunsets & sunrises) but anyway I think you captured some beautiful lighting contrasts and clouds forms in this case, so : congratulations. Regards, Peppino.
Elangovan S
{K:10675} 7/5/2003
Sahin, this is quite nice scene. IMO, if there was bit more contrast this picture would have been absolutely gorgeous. Perhaps you could touch it up in the PS.
Yutaka Itinose
{K:22586} 7/4/2003
Mysterious beauty! Thanks.
T Glow
{K:14955} 7/4/2003
Great moment!! very beautiful work. regards,T.
{K:16195} 7/4/2003
Fantastic sun rays..very nice composition. Congrats! Regards, Hayri.
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 7/3/2003
Excellent light~~Sahin ..kim
Erkut Tekeli
{K:241} 7/3/2003
Cok guzel bir fotograf, tebrikler.