Scott McFadden
{K:5663} 9/17/2004
I like the triangular composition in this shot. probably would have looked better without the catcher in it at all. thats mainly because once noticed its hard to look anywhere else. Great timing to get the kid in mid air like that. I particularly like the color saturation in this photo and the way its controlled to keep attention on the runner.
Backgrounds are always hard to keep good but try to look out for verticals as they are very deceptive .
Joe Stewart
{K:1908} 3/25/2004
Nice action shots,
Mark Beltran
{K:32612} 3/24/2004
I like how the player's in mid-air like that. the composition begins right there.
Onur Aydin
{K:9815} 8/7/2003
Nice capture ! :)
- simos -
{K:9354} 8/6/2003
Hop.....great catch....great regards, simo
Richard Wells
{K:310} 7/3/2003
Great shot, to bad you couldn't get the catcher...
Rachelle Biggs
{K:628} 7/3/2003
Thank you very much, and it is the camera *girl* aha :)
Alexandre Querido
{K:82} 7/3/2003
quick reflexes: the player and the camera guy, hehe
Anthony Gargani
{K:4527} 7/2/2003
Nice capture! Quick reflexes with the camera also. The puffs of dirt caused by the ball really make this shot imho. Gives a real good feel of the speed and action of what is taking place. Batter nice and sharp while frozen in the air, good use of shutter speed. DOF of the pitcher and SS is is good also.
Only thing I can think of to add would be that it would have been cool if you could have gotten the rest of the catcher in the shot. Oh well, we can't have everything! :)