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Sweet Maria
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Image Title:  Sweet Maria
Favorites: 0 
 By: Paul Freeman  
  Copyright ©2015

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Photographer Paul Freeman  Paul Freeman {Karma:35606}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon G12
Categories From The Field
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Fixed
Uploaded 12/3/2015 Film / Memory Type NA
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 642 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 6 Rating
/ 3 Ratings
Location City -  Newcastle
State -  NSW
Country - Australia   Australia
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There are 6 Comments in 1 Pages
Fabio Keiner   {K:81109} 12/3/2015
climbing till you drop and sigh 'sweet mother mary, pray for me!' :))


Art McCaffrey Art McCaffrey   {K:23645} 12/3/2015
most aspects lead to the person, exceptionally,
so well seen freeman, excellent,.
best regards, art,.


Paul Freeman Paul Freeman   {K:35606} 12/3/2015
Where did you come across the word "curbaceous"? (even the autocorrector objects)

I found this: "Curbaceous" is the latest entry in the current edition of the Concise Batavia Inggris Urban Dictionary, published by Metrodud Press, the award winning publishing house responsible for such esteemed scholarly works as: "The Metro and the Metrosexual - True Stories From Jakarta's Metro Frontiers", "Fatmawati, A Girl's Look At All Things Chaos", and "Cipetetetete: Noise Pollution and Jakarta's Hard of Hearing".

For those lucky enough to have either survived or escaped altogether college level physics, here's a primer: rise to run (mathematically expressed as the ratio rise/run) is the distance measured in a straight line required to bridge two points of different altitudes. In plain English, when curb and street of different levels need to be joined, this equation is followed in the construction of the eventual ramp that would connect the two. This, of course, predicates that the two different levels are indeed reconcilable — or, alternately expressed in even simpler English — that by bridging the two levels cars can still climb the incline at a ratio acceptable for vehicular movement. For example, for every ten meters of run, a car can expect to climb at most one meter in height. Much steeper than this, and the car will stall or roll back into oncoming traffic. This rule, naturally, couldn't possibly apply to Jakarta where buildings are typically propped higher than street levels wherever possible to mitigate backflow caused by the City's seasonal flooding.

I thought you meant curvaceous the first time you unleashed it. :))


Paul Freeman Paul Freeman   {K:35606} 12/3/2015
Where did you come across the word "curvaceous"?

I found this: "Curbaceous" is the latest entry in the current edition of the Concise Batavia Inggris Urban Dictionary, published by Metrodud Press, the award winning publishing house responsible for such esteemed scholarly works as: "The Metro and the Metrosexual - True Stories From Jakarta's Metro Frontiers", "Fatmawati, A Girl's Look At All Things Chaos", and "Cipetetetete: Noise Pollution and Jakarta's Hard of Hearing".

For those lucky enough to have either survived or escaped altogether college level physics, here's a primer: rise to run (mathematically expressed as the ratio rise/run) is the distance measured in a straight line required to bridge two points of different altitudes. In plain English, when curb and street of different levels need to be joined, this equation is followed in the construction of the eventual ramp that would connect the two. This, of course, predicates that the two different levels are indeed reconcilable — or, alternately expressed in even simpler English — that by bridging the two levels cars can still climb the incline at a ratio acceptable for vehicular movement. For example, for every ten meters of run, a car can expect to climb at most one meter in height. Much steeper than this, and the car will stall or roll back into oncoming traffic. This rule, naturally, couldn't possibly apply to Jakarta where buildings are typically propped higher than street levels wherever possible to mitigate backflow caused by the City's seasonal flooding.

I thought you meant curvaceous the first time you unleashed it. :))


Salvador María Lozada   {K:69375} 12/3/2015
Another curbaceous curb, Paul.
Excellent image.
Congratulations and best regards,


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 12/3/2015
The fence is leading the attention to the person at the end. The title refers to Sweet Maria, I assume that refers to the same person. The question remains whether we are going to see her in the future...?




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