Hey Paul, in regards to getting good color skin tones I think a lot has to do with the actual skin tone of the model you're working with. As you saw in my previous model, her skin tone was really fair so it didn't matter if I shot her in or out of the shade her skin tone was going to be light.
The camera settings listed here are the ones I used. I had the white balance set to shade, and was using shutter priority.
Even though she is in the shade, it was a very bright sunny day so there was plenty of natural light
About the only time I will use a fill flash is if there is an area that is noticeably dark because of a shadow or a difference in the models face and body skin tones.
Thanks Art. This was my first time shooting with Lynnanne and we had a very good shoot. She is an experienced model and I think she liked the fact that I knew exactly what types of shots I wanted and explained to here why I chose the areas to shoot in because of the lighting.
Nice image Clay. I've noticed in the wedding photos you showed and this one that you are getting very good skin tones despite the shadows your models are in. I doesn't look like you are using a fill flash, so what is it you are doing? Would love to know Regards