The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 1/18/2015
Nice composition with dramatic lighting. Great in black and white. Congrats on your well deserved award!
Alfons Rial
{K:7600} 1/17/2015
Muchas felicidades por tu premio!
goran kulezic
{K:6787} 1/16/2015
Thank you parehan .K. Thank you very much. I appreciate your comment and visit. All the best.
parehan .K
{K:27453} 1/16/2015
Such gorgeous Adorable little child, and very well presented photo with B&W!
goran kulezic
{K:6787} 1/16/2015
Thank you, dear Srna. I'm honored by your comment... All the best. Goran
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 1/16/2015
Fascinating emotions seen within him ... fascinating play with light and shadows ... so very well presented and executed ... in his own passionate world of a child :) Warm regards
goran kulezic
{K:6787} 1/15/2015
Thank you Marcos R Fernandes. I appreciate your comment and visit. Best regards. Goran
Marcos R Fernandes
{K:3630} 1/15/2015
Ótima captura, foto muito interessante em B&W, excelente composição. Cumprimentos.
Salvador María Lozada
{K:69375} 1/15/2015
Remarkable child capture and portrait. Very nice image. Congratulations. Best regards,
goran kulezic
{K:6787} 1/15/2015
Thank you very much. I am very pleased when at least some other people happy. I appreciate your comment and visit. Good luck. Goran
a. Scarabeo
{K:16333} 1/15/2015
Another Masterpiece of moody and strong story B&W photograph. Indeed composition and post work gives the sense of beginn 20th. Century photography. Best regards Goran.
goran kulezic
{K:6787} 1/15/2015
Hvala Nanda na konstruktivnom komentaru. Obratiću pažnju. P.S. Gore je bio neki ''haos'' koji se nije dao popraviti tako da je izašlo ovo. Sve najbolje. Pozdrav.
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 1/15/2015
Lijepo Gorane, moras malo poraditi na kompoziciji fotografije, nedostaje prostora u gornjem dijelu fotke, a u donjem ga ima previse. Pozdrav Nanda