Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 3/11/2015
Baijan, thank you so much. best regerds, Nanda
baijan krishnan
{K:72} 3/11/2015
Beautiful and lovely Pic...!
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/29/2014
Hearty thank you my dear Srna :)
Warm hugs, Nandaji
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 10/29/2014
This brilliant photo of yours, awarded is today on the front page, congrats :) Wish you an amazing day :) Hugs, Srna
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/27/2014
Ornella, thank you.
regards Nanda
Ornella Erminio
{K:4881} 10/27/2014
Una meravigli, bellissime 7
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/26/2014
Harry, thank you so much best regards Nanda
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 10/26/2014
An excellent vivid image, welll done Nanda :-) Harry
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/22/2014
Nigel, thank you so much. regards, Nanda
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/22/2014
Clay, thank you so much. regards Nanda
Nigel Watts.
{K:5246} 10/22/2014
Congratulations On your Award Great Photograph Nigel
Clay Boutin
{K:28722} 10/22/2014
Fabulous color, detail and presentation. Congrats on your well deserved award.
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/22/2014
Art mccaffrey, thank you so much for your very beautiful comment. best regards Nanda
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 10/22/2014
the worlds ears need such lyrics with a voice and music like that of aleksandra radovic to describe love,. also the worlds eyes need images such as this to depict love,. ,. in the still photos on the video i like the close up of the eye welling up the tears,.,. congratulations nanda,.,. best regards art,.
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/21/2014
Fabrice, thank you so much. best regards Nanda
{K:61359} 10/21/2014
Wow.. what a masterpiece Nanda... Fantastic composition!! Congrats
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/21/2014
Mary, thank you so much. best regardas, Nanda
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/21/2014
Paul, thank you so much. best regardas, Nanda
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/21/2014
Alfons,, thank you so much. best regardas, Nanda
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/21/2014
Gregory, thank you so much. best regardas, Nanda
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 10/21/2014
This is gorgeous. The details are crisp. Your background wonderfully emphasizes the blooms. Congratulations on the well deserved Award.
Paul Freeman
{K:35606} 10/21/2014
Wonderful subtle lighting to match the delicacy of the flowers - exquisite. Regards PS: Congratulations, a well deserved award
Alfons Rial
{K:7600} 10/21/2014
Felicidades por tu merecido premio!
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 10/21/2014
Congratulations, this a wonderful capture
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/21/2014
Hvala Raso. Pozdrav
Radovan Magdalenic
{K:32881} 10/21/2014
Čestitam Nanda,dobar snimak.Pozdrav
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/21/2014
Salvador, thank you so much. regards Nanda
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/21/2014
Jan, thank you so much. best regards Nanda
Salvador Marķa Lozada
{K:69375} 10/21/2014
Very nice poetic combination of roses and verses, nanda. Excllent image. Congratulations, also for the well deserved awar. Be well,
Jan Symank
{K:22030} 10/21/2014
Congrats now Nanda Jan
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/21/2014
Heartfelt thank you my dear Srna :) Big Hugs Nandaji
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 10/21/2014
They are so connected just as lovers are ... brilliant exposure and lightening with so appalling and strong vibrant and captivating colors ... withing superb composition and with words of the song so perfectly matched ... so very touching and emotive ... brilliant way to show your pure love ... fascinating ! :)))
Hearty congratulations on your so very well deserved Award :)
I'm so pleased this brilliant photo, so story telling was awarded my dear Nandaji :)
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/21/2014
Marc, thank you so much. regards
Marc Fontannaz
{K:2887} 10/21/2014
Superbe photo, avec les gouttes d'eau c'est magnifique !
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/21/2014
Marian, thank you so much. Big hug Nanda
Marian Man
{K:80636} 10/21/2014
exquisite photo, fine lyrics my dearest Nanda!!!!! congratulations on the well deserved award!!!!!! big hug Marian
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/21/2014
Jill Bartlett, thank you a lot. best regards
Jill Bartlett
{K:8130} 10/21/2014
and so beautifuly captured, absolutely exquisite. Best regards.
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/21/2014
Jan, thank you so much. regards Nanda
Jan Symank
{K:22030} 10/21/2014
Really there is a mystic strong "adhesion " between them. :) Great capture Jan
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/21/2014
Riny, thank you so much my dear friend. regards
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 10/21/2014
There's nothing like pictures of roses to brighten your day! Thanks for sharing my friend Nanda.
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/21/2014
Nigel, thank you a lot. regards Nanda
Nigel Watts.
{K:5246} 10/21/2014
Very nice floral Great Photograph nigel