Bob Tomerlin
{K:5460} 6/27/2003
Darrin - You were definitely at the right place at the right time - but you also knew what to do once you got there. Aptly titled - outstanding image - Bob T.
Bryce Hughes
{K:2957} 6/24/2003
Nice lighting, there does seem (to my caffine fueled eyes) to be a halo effect around the ballons? anyways, still great composition and wonderful tones. It would have been great to see their view i bet! This one still tickles me pink anyway ;)
Marco Brivio
{K:14339} 6/24/2003
This one is fantastic, it seems unreal
Peppino Bonu
{K:7607} 6/24/2003
Excellent shot. Creative and original composition, congratulations.
Ahmed Fawzy
{K:3288} 6/24/2003
nice work
Reda Danaf
{K:14309} 6/24/2003
Beautiful work.
- simos -
{K:9354} 6/24/2003
Great! beautiful colors and composition. regards, simo
Lorenzo Lessi
{K:6589} 6/24/2003
I really like the tones, even if they seems a bit unreal, but IMO leaving in more of the ground could be a good choice...
{K:16195} 6/24/2003
Fantastic capture with excellent colours. Regards, Hayri.
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 6/24/2003
Chris Whaley
{K:3847} 6/24/2003
Wow...great contrast of time and technology....beautiful shot.
Rawabi Al-Nuaimi
{K:15659} 6/24/2003
beautiful colors.. :)
Tony Quinlan
{K:2094} 6/24/2003
Very nice work.