Bertrand Zammit
{K:568} 8/23/2011
Thanks for your comment Jacques!
Regards Bertrand
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 8/21/2011
very nice capture of the fireworks.
Bertrand Zammit
{K:568} 8/17/2011
Many thanks for your comment Sauvik!
Regards Bertrand
Bertrand Zammit
{K:568} 8/17/2011
You're too kind Mohamed!
Best wishes my friend! Bertrand
Bertrand Zammit
{K:568} 8/17/2011
You're right Sudeera. The image would have looked a lot better without them. Thanks for the tip!
Best Regards my friend Bertrand
Sauvik Chandra
{K:3895} 8/17/2011
Best regards, Sauvik.
Mohamed Soliman
{K:882} 8/17/2011
Every time i think that the last pic i have seen is the best and i guess this is the best you can get .. but u always surprise me with something more great ..
i stopped thinking about what could be your best shot as they are all great and keep waitting every day for your next shot..
Thank you for giving us such a great pleasure looking to such amazing work..
well done
Sudeera Karunathilaka
{K:4233} 8/17/2011
Hey Riny, Why did you quit UF? From whom can we learn macro with out you & Tibor? (Did Tibor quit UF as well?) Regards
Sudeera Karunathilaka
{K:4233} 8/17/2011
Fantastic capture Bertrand, Get rid of those unnecessary lights. Regards
Bertrand Zammit
{K:568} 8/16/2011
Many thanks dear Riny! It's good to hear from you again though I still miss your photos... especially the butterflies!
Best regards my dear friend Bertrand
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 8/16/2011
Photographing fireworks is something that sounds intimidating, In reality, it's hard to get great results, once you know the technique...;) Well done and seen Bertrand!.. 8++ take care my friend,riny
Bertrand Zammit
{K:568} 8/16/2011
I appreciate your comment Terry.
Regards Bertrand
Terry Osborne
{K:2059} 8/16/2011
Great image. I've tried photographing fireworks before and it's difficult to get right. Well done