junichi miura
{K:1051} 7/23/2003
Wonderful work..... Are also you watching a fighting as a member of birds? Is there also any referee perfectly?.. Even so, it is humorous very that people who are in a background seem to be in entire another world.
{K:30945} 7/15/2003
This is so great! I like the way you have captured the SeaGulls with this crowdy background! Good work!
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 7/10/2003
Excellent Beach Fight shot,Kristina best regards. comment thank's ...mission kim
edmond lisy
{K:10311} 6/25/2003
Clear and sharp image !!
- simos -
{K:9354} 6/25/2003
Waauu... excellent catch!!!! and great composition.... regards, simo
Alexey Sapa
{K:27174} 6/23/2003
Thanks! Great............. Regards, ALexey
John Reed
{K:6994} 6/23/2003
Alas! You put my "Above it All" seagull's sharpness to shame, though it appears you were a lot closer to your birds than I was, judging from the "normal" perspective of the photo. Nice capture; I wonder if your depth of field could have been reduced to blur the background activities and scenery just slightly, to re-emphasize the birds? Thank you for your comment on mine!
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 6/20/2003
How can I take a photo like this one? :.( Bravo Kristina! Perfect, well I think birds are wating you to put the corect tools and lens at your camera and I say this because the quality of the capture is so good like a portrait! Oh my God....... again bravo Kristina, I am with an open mouth! Thanks for this photo!
donato r.
{K:16361} 6/20/2003
Simpaticissimo scatto!
Jim F
{K:8859} 6/19/2003
Beautiful cpmposition, I especially like the capture of the bitd in flight. Perfect focus, colors and presentation. Great Job Kristina!
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 6/19/2003
Only a bit!? When I go out to capture some bird shots, I bring tons of bread! ;-) Nice scene (I like the bird landing), expecially in constrast with the quiet people in background
Gorilla K
{K:17526} 6/19/2003
So einen Augenblick wünscht sich wohl jeder.Ein Schnappschuß, bei dem man einfach Glück haben muß.Super! Regards,Win.
Wayne Leach
{K:416} 6/19/2003
Great job catching this action and sharp as well. Birds in flight and interacting are always most interesting?
Rui Palha
{K:13624} 6/19/2003
Just in the right moment, beautiful colors.
Reda Danaf
{K:14309} 6/19/2003
Wonderful capture, perfect timing.
{K:16195} 6/19/2003
Great capture and excellent colours and composed. Regards, Hayri.
Geza Farkas
{K:12412} 6/19/2003
Excellent action shot. Congratulation.
José Eduardo Cruz
{K:13180} 6/19/2003
Great shot!!!
Hans Sampiemon
{K:404} 6/19/2003
Wonderful capture, especially the flying gull
Gatis Ozolins
{K:1502} 6/19/2003
great moment
Joksa Juoperi
{K:13473} 6/19/2003
Great capture! Regards, Joksa.