Joe Pan
{K:549} 7/5/2003
There sure are a lot of mantis species here in the tropics, David. From tiny ones to quite big and fabulously handsome (some say ugly) specimens. How about this Bornean flower mantis for comparison?

Karen Dove
{K:763} 6/18/2003
he does look like he is smiling great job. the anteaneas are different also...
Rodney Glover
{K:460} 6/17/2003
Man you nailed this one. Superb portrait.
Anyki .
{K:1381} 6/17/2003
Oh.. beutiful very close capture and sharp details Congrats! Ann Dyagileva
Brian Bednarek
{K:1656} 6/17/2003
Great closeup. He looks like he's smiling!!!
Subha Pindiproli
{K:10108} 6/17/2003
David.. he seems to be smiling at you.. one thing.. did you got bitten by any of these bugs, or have them leap and fly at you.. without warning. I am a little jumpy or edgy about flying bugs. And in all your cases, your lens has to be about 2cms away from these critters.. If i were you, i may be wearing a fire protection suit or somekind..