Jim Loy
{K:31373} 9/26/2010
Yeah, I do not ask the world for a "thank you"... just would like a nod of the head our way... America was born of violence yet has done more than our share on the world scene to make the world a better place than we have done to set the world spinning. Just saying....
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 9/26/2010
Just a note... being all history and such... when the Spaniards took out the Aztecs..... every other Native American tribe in the area rejoiced...
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 8/28/2010
and a sad sad tale it is just one of the most repugnant bits of thw white tyranny that mutilated a proud nation...
Rick Koth
{K:2971} 8/15/2010
Great shot Jim.
Once again I need to remind our freinds from the other side of the pond that if it were'nt Americans killing people the Europeans would be speaking German now. I wonder what our fathers would have thought back in the forties if they knew how ungrateful people would be?! Perhaps maybe they should have just stayed home.
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 8/15/2010
nearly most of our history is like that, Oh...what a jerk is me,it still happens each day till now here,and still the bodies are unrecognized.
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 8/15/2010
More than that... much, much more than that. History of those who owned the land and those who usurped the country. History of those who spoke with feeling and love for the land against those who believed that manifest destiny, the burden of the white man... was the way of God's will. It is more than him killing him... the history of America reaps the story and glory of those who pushed the boundaries in a young and growing nation. Even in jest... do not think that the history of America is so simple as violence and greed. We Americans are more than a passing fancy. We are strong, we are determined... yes, we have connections with violence... but more Americans are like me than are off in a room all alone. More Americans believe in equality and freedom than the world will accept. From this second forward... or from ages past... do not dare to judge us on a simple formula. If you base your beliefs on stereotypes you will fail to understand Americans in spirit. Do not believe everything your school books proclaim. Good a'plenty and enough bad to make me understand.... but when the grist is ground... when the hammer meets the nail... when push comes to shove... Americans are not and never will be... exactly... what... Europeans believe. We are a fiercly proud, independent and literate people. We can read, we can think... we can post clever and witty photos... but do not fall into the belief we are stupid or locked in violence... We may be the youngest kid on the block on the world scene... but we come with our powder dry and brains clear. If you want to talk world equality find a Yank... Just saying.....
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 8/15/2010
.... history of americans killing eachother .... ?