Per-Christian Nilssen
{K:69} 6/19/2003
Very nice photo in all. There are some spots in the lower left corners which you might want to clean up. Well done!
Nando Mondino
{K:14261} 6/19/2003
Fantastic! Bravo!
Naty Z
{K:16436} 6/19/2003
very lovely work!
Stone Shi
{K:118} 6/18/2003
Very appealing, eps. from the thumbnail view.
Haytham Nawar
{K:1180} 6/18/2003
new nice idea .. reg.
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 6/17/2003
quanta bella luce!
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 6/16/2003
This is so different from your usual pictures. This is very effective. don.
Pete Pantsari
{K:4196} 6/16/2003
Simply, stark, and very appealing presentation. I like this one Hayri, it's captivating. Excellent work.
donato r.
{K:16361} 6/16/2003
Elegante immagine!
Asis Sanyal
{K:296} 6/16/2003
Very sweet--like a low tuned music!
Lorenzo Lessi
{K:6589} 6/16/2003
VEry good high key image vith delicate reflections! IMO the midtones could be even a bit darker and the (even not so much) darker stripe in the lower left corner is a bit diturbing... Regards!
Lucas Macedo
{K:12843} 6/16/2003
Amazing light, Hayri! Isteresting reflections and shapes. Regards! ..... Lucas
José Eduardo Cruz
{K:13180} 6/16/2003
Veryy interesting and beautifull work!!!
David Goldfarb
{K:7611} 6/16/2003
What is the "alternative process" here? Spot metering? That is a fairly traditional method used in all areas of photography. This looks like an ordinary color photograph.
"Alternative process" usually refers to a printing or recording method other than the current commercial processes like traditional silver gelatin printing, C-prints, Ilfochrome, C-41, E-6, etc.
Alternative processes usually involve handcoating of materials, as in platinum/palladium, bromoil, collodion, daguerreotype, salted paper printing, ambrotype, Ziatype, cyanotype, albumen printing and others. Most of these were conventional processes at one time, but now exist entirely outside the commercial realm. In color, some may consider dye transfer printing to be an alternative process as well, as Kodak no longer makes these materials, though I gather that Durst Pro is now distributing dye transfer supplies.
PK- Photos
{K:13099} 6/16/2003
...it looks very interesting! Excellent, Regards, Pia
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 6/16/2003
The brightness creates a strange and nice effect. Regards Massimo
Roland Le Gall
{K:7018} 6/16/2003
Simple and beautiful....Very modern....
Rui Palha
{K:13624} 6/16/2003
Beautiful work, Hayri.
T Glow
{K:14955} 6/16/2003
Clean!! beautiful work!! regards,T.
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 6/16/2003
So cool! I love this lightness! So clear and clean and white! Like if he went with boat to the land of dreams, and now he is there! Wonderful shot!
Geza Farkas
{K:12412} 6/16/2003
Excellent, with lot of light and minimum color. Very unusual.
Carole Bradford
{K:10715} 6/16/2003
So different for you, Hayri! Sets an interesting mood!
{K:12204} 6/16/2003
Like Tiro, I love the atmosphere in this, really wonderful mood. Regards.
Tiro Leander
{K:19060} 6/16/2003
This is absolutely an amazing atmosphere.. it's freedom in this picture. Excellent light and mood.
Marcio Cabral
{K:12496} 6/16/2003
Excellent work Hayri!! regards!!!
Kajo Buzek
{K:1459} 6/16/2003
very nice, like a dream. kajo
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 6/16/2003
Excellent Alternative Process shot! regards!
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 6/16/2003
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 6/16/2003