Fantastic image! Can you tell us a bit more, such as what your aperature and shutter speed were for this shot? It's not easy to get this kind of depth of field with a 500mm lens!
Hi Steve, thank you for viewing my work and the kind comment. I would agree that works from some photographers might have been cosmeticized before post. I still at this moment would like to stick to the original scene. I always feel that photography is to reflect the truth of images, but using different kinds of photographic techniques including lighting, angles, construction would present the photographer's own feel and view.
Hi Eric, there are two things which bother me about this photo. The fleshy colored area in the bottom left, and the white object in front of the bird. Both could easily be removed in post processing. You'd be surprised at the number of professional photographers who "clean up" their images, by removing any distracting elements. When I first saw people doing this, I objected, but since then, I find myself doing the same thing.