rajesh dhar
{K:30} 1/5/2010
good shot!
luis pereira
{K:26013} 12/21/2009
Life is...a bunch of wheels.
joão chaves
{K:4140} 12/19/2009
ui, perfect
Mohamed Bakr
{K:1934} 12/17/2009
very nice street shot,,succes M.bakr
. .
{K:2013} 12/8/2009
Sad je i tebe ovaj uzeo na "zub". Procitaj dole:
"Riny Koopman {K:79181} 12/6/2009 What do you say Nanda..GOOD COMPOSTION...THIS PICTURE IS UGLY,I THINK YOU ARE AN COMMENT HUNTER"
Mi smo pisali editorima o bezbrazluku, ali nema konkretne akcije. On konstatno vredja Marinu i njene slike, pa cemo morati nesto da preduzmemo...ja sam u tranzitu, letim iz Kinshase za Paris nocas, pa u Beograd na par dana...ali cim stignem i Ameriku videcemo da mu stanemo na "rep".
Puno uspeha, Zoran
. .
{K:2013} 12/8/2009
OK Ryca. Tiny keeps scorning my wife's pictures and posting nasty and mean remarks, even on her best pictures. That was the only reason I took the initiative and commented. We wrote to the editors, about Riny Koopman being rude, but they did not answer. My wife who posts under name Lara, is very insulted by his comments. I know Nanda and he is very nice, and he did not deserve that.
Ryca C.R.
{K:3895} 12/8/2009
Dear Doug
Thank you very much for the offering. It would be happy to send the original to you one day, it's not with me right now, left on other computer. I only have the file before sharpened and its worse than original lol.
kind regards, Ryca
Ryca C.R.
{K:3895} 12/8/2009
Dear Zoran
Thanks for your support and attention. Anyway, I'm not worry about Riny's comment but Nanda, it seems a personal sentiment to him lol..I hope he's not getting hurt. About Riny, I think its ok if he writes such comment, shortcomings was that he wrote too frontal ;)
kind regards, Ryca
Ryca C.R.
{K:3895} 12/7/2009
Dear Sanjoy...
Thanks for your support..actually this is an old image n was a lil bit dim and noise, so I sharpen this using a digital software and not sure bout the result..Thats why I upload here, and somewhat Riny is right (his comment is just too frontal )
hugs, Ryca
sanjoy Bose
{K:3560} 12/7/2009
and Don't worry about Riny's comments Uf Friends Know Ur Very Good Photographer sanjoy
神 風
{K:10665} 12/7/2009
Ryca: Please send the original file to me (douglas.coffey@hawaiiantel.net) and I will work on it for you ... Okay?
. .
{K:2013} 12/6/2009
Don't worry about Riny's comments. This individual hates everyone, and sometimes even himself. He is obviously a mental...bipolar maybe....who knows. They should not allow him to be a member here any longer.
I think your shots are very interesting and artistic. Sometimes it is just the camera...but what you have to conjoy is what it matters.
Keep doing good job! Cheers,
sanjoy Bose
{K:3560} 12/6/2009
Dear Ryca I think it is good But image is pixelate & Composition & Ligh not in Ur stile. I Know ur Lebel Is So high Ryca. so Dont disappointed us. dont mind sanjoy
Ryca C.R.
{K:3895} 12/6/2009
thanks for all your comments, appreciate it!
PS: Nanda: No hurt feeling :) u are not such a comment hunter 4 me.
Riny: good and ugly is always be personal sense, don't debate here. Just give me a constructive suggestion if u said this pic is bad. I believe with your great value in photography, my pic could be better.
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 12/6/2009
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 12/6/2009
bad picture,it could be better..4+++
vehbi dileksiz
{K:37355} 12/6/2009
Wonderful street/people shot dear Ryca. I love light, colors and composition. My best...... vehbi.
Gabino Matus Jr
{K:2075} 12/6/2009
Nice soft light. Good composition.
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 12/6/2009
Beautiful Ryca, good composition. My best wishes Nanda
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 12/6/2009
i like the lunapark harry