City - Some Place, Ilinois State - ILLINOIS Country - United States
1895 in History
January 1 Norway adopts Mid-European time January 5 French Captain Alfred Dreyfus, convicted of treason, publicly stripped of his rank; later declared innocent January 5 Henry James' play "Guy Domville" opens in London January 5 Victor Trumper makes first-class debut for NSW 17 years 64 days January 13 Oscar Wilde's "Ideal Husband," premieres in London January 15 Albert Trott takes 8-43 on Test debut, then a record January 15 French fleet reaches Majunga, Madagascar January 15 Tchaikovsky's ballet "Swan Lake" premieres, St. Petersburg January 17 Felix Faure installed as president of France January 17 French president Casimir-Perier resigns January 18 Amsterdam's AFC soccer team forms January 22 National Association of Manufacturers organized in Cincinnati January 29 King Koko's Kopermannen assault on Akassa Niger, 100's killed January 30 C. J. Eady (Tas) 1st Australian to score twin centuries (v Vic) January 30 SS Elbe sinks after collision in North Sea, 332 killed January 30 Tasmania beat Victoria for 1st F-C victory in 41 years January 31 Jose Marti and others leave New York City for invasion of Spanish Cuba February 3 Wilhelm Mauseth skates world record 500 m (46.8 seconds) February 4 1st rolling lift bridge opens, Chicago February 8 Tchaikovsky/Petipa's "Swan Lake," premieres in Petersburg February 9 1st intercollegiate basketball game (Minn Agricult beats Hamline, 9-3) February 9 Volleyball invented by W. G. Morgan in Massachusetts February 11 -17 degrees F (-27.2 degrees C) in Braemar, Grampian (UK record) February 11 Georgetown became part of Washington D.C. February 13 Moving picture projector patented February 14 Oscar Wilde's "Importance of Being Earnest," opens in London February 15 23 cm (9") of snow falls on New Orleans February 20 Congress authorizes a U.S. mint at Denver, Colorodo February 21 North Carolina Legislature, adjourns for day to mark death of Frederick Douglass February 23 Jaap Eden skates world record 10km (17:56) February 23 William Heard, AME minister and educator, named minister to Liberia February 24 Cuban war for independence begins February 26 Michael Owens of Toledo, Ohio patents a glass-blowing machine March 4 Gustav Mahler's 2nd Symphony, premieres in Berlin March 6 England beat Australia to win one of the best cricket series ever, 3-2 March 6 J. T. Brown hits the fastest 50 in Test Crickets (28 minutes) England vs. Australia March 9 Stanley Cup: Montreal Victorias awarded cup, as Queens University (Kingston Ont) loses to Montreal AAA, 5-1 March 11 Spanish cruiser Reina Regenta sinks at Gibraltar, 400 killed March 13 Spanish cruiser Reina Regente sinks off Gibraltar, 402 die March 18 200 blacks leave Savannah, Georgia for Liberia March 19 Los Angeles Railway established to provide streetcar service March 22 Auguste and Louis Lumiere show their 1st movie to an invited audience March 25 Italian troops invade Abyssinia (Ethiopia) March 26 King Alfonso plants pine sapling in Madrid, starts Spain's Arbor Day March 30 British inventor Birt Acres films Oxford-Cambridge April 5 Oscar Wilde loses libel case against Marquess of Queensberry, who accused him of homosexual practices April 5 Start of Sherlock Holmes' "Adventure of 3 Students" April 11 Anaheim completes it's new electric light system April 13 Start of Sherlock Holmes "Adventure of Solitary Cyclist" April 14 1st performance of Gustav Mahler's (incomplete) 2nd Symphony April 15 Josephine Blatt (U.S.) makes hip-and-harness lift of 3564 lb (record) April 17 Treaty of Shimonoseki signed, ends 1st Sino-Japanese War (1894-95) April 24 Joshua Slocum completes around-the-world voyage in 11-m boat May 6 21st Kentucky Derby: Soup Perkins aboard Halma wins in 2:37 May 8 China cedes Taiwan to Japan under Treaty of Shimonoseki May 17 W G Grace completes his 100th 100 vs. Somerset at Bristol May 20 1st commercial movie performance (153 Broadway, New York City) May 24 Henry Irving becomes 1st theatrical knight May 25 20th Preakness: Fred Taral aboard Belmar wins in 1:50 May 25 Oscar Wilde sentenced to 2 years hard labor for being a sodomite May 27 British inventor Birt Acres patents film camera/projector May 30 W. G. Grace scores his 1,000th Cricket run of the season after 22 days June 11 Charles E Duryea patents a gas-driven automobile June 13 Emile Levassor wins 1st Paris-Bordeaux-Paris auto race (24 kph) June 17 U.S. Ship Canal (W 225th St) in the Bronx completed; cutting Marble Hill off from Manhattan June 20 1st female PhD (science) earned (Caroline Willard Baldwin) June 20 Canal of Smock official opens June 20 Nicaragua, El Salvador and Honduras form a short-lived confederation June 21 British Roseberry government falls June 28 El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua form Central American Union July 3 Start of Sherlock Holmes "Adventure of Black Peter" July 4 Katherine Lee Bates publishes "America the Beautiful" July 8 Delagoa Bay Railway opens in South Africa July 11 Auguste and Louis Lumiere show film for scientists July 16 Archie MacLaren completes cricket 424 for Lancs vs. Somerset at Taunton August 10 1st Queen's Hall Promenade Concerto (Wagners "Rienzi") August 20 Start of Sherlock Holmes "Adventure of Norwood Builder" August 26 Electric central at Niagara Falls gives 1st steam August 27 15th U.S. Mens Tennis: Fred H Hovey beats Robert D Wrenn (63 62 64) August 30 Belgium begins compulsory Roman Catholic education August 31 1st pro football game (quarterback John Brallier paid $10 and won 12-0) September 3 1st pro football game played, Latrobe beats Jeanette 12-0 (Penn) September 5 George Washington Murray elected to Congress from South Carolina September 9 American Bowling Congress forms (New York City) September 11 FA Cup stolen in Birmingham September 12 Defender (U.S.) beats Valkyrie III (England) in 10th America's Cup September 18 Booker T. Washington delivers "Atlanta Compromise" address September 18 D D Palmer of Davenport, Iowa, becomes 1st chiropractor September 21 1st auto manufacturer opens-Duryea Motor Wagon Company September 23 French labor union CGT (Confederation Generale du Travail) forms September 24 1st round-the-world trip by a woman on a bicycle (took 15 months) September 26 Italian general Oreste Baratieri lands in Massawa, Eritrea September 30 France proclaims a protectorate over Madagascar October 1 Romanians in Costantinople massacred October 2 1st cartoon comic strip is printed in a newspaper October 4 1st U.S. Golf Open: Horace Rawlins shoots a 173 at Newport Golf Club Rhode Island October 4 Horace Rawlins wins 1st U.S. Open golf tournament (Newport RI) October 8 Ohio Valley Improvement Association forms October 11 Emperor Menelik II of Addis Ababa draws against Italians October 22 David Belasco's "Heart of Maryland," premieres in New York City November 2 29th Belmont: Fred Taral aboard Belmar wins in 2:11 November 5 1st U.S. patent granted for auto, George B. Selden November 5 George Selden patents 1st gasoline-driven car November 5 King Edward VII says "We are all Socialists nowadays" November 5 U.S. state Utah accepts female suffrage November 8 Wilhelm Roentgen (Germany) discovers X-rays November 11 Bechuanaland becomes part of Cape Colony November 13 1st shipment of canned pineapple from Hawaii November 19 Frederick E. Blaisdell patents the pencil November 21 Start of Sherlock Holmes "Adventure of Bruce Partington Plans" November 26 Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association forms November 27 Alfred Nobel establishes Nobel Prize November 28 America's 1st auto race starts; 6 cars, 55 miles, winner avg 7 MPH December 2 54th Congress (1895-97) convenes December 7 Battle at Amba Alagi: Abyssinians beat Italian armies December 8 Battle at Amba Alagi: Ethiopian emperor Menelik II drives Italian general Baratieri's out December 13 1st complete execution of Gustav Mahlers 2nd Symphony December 17 Anti-Saloon League of America formed, Washington, D.C. December 17 George Brownell patents a machine to make paper twine (Mass) December 28 World's 1st movie theater opens in Paris December 29 Dr. L S Jameson begins failed raid on Johannesburg
2009: Some lady paints a strange bit on a kid's face.
and someone else eats popcorn.. now I am not fond of quoting Paul.. but obla di obla da.. say u know what Patti Boyd is gonna be at the opening of her photography exhibition and signing copies of the book from the show in Sydney next weekend.. should I go??